Microfluidic Systems



Graduate Programme on Microsystems and Nanodevices of the National Technical University of Athens

Class title:

Microfluidic Systems


Optional Course, Spring Semester


I. Anagnostopoulos, D. Mathioulakis, A. Tserepi




-         Basic concepts and conservation laws based on the theory of continuous media (continuity equation, conservation of momentum, angular equation and energy)

-         Slip and non-slip boundary conditions (Knudsen number). Solutions of flow field in microchannels under conditions of rarefied gas

-         Principles of design and operation of mechanical and non-mechanical micro-pumps. Simulation methods.

-         Microsensors for measurement of pressure, fluid velocity, and shear stress

-         Flow control with MEMS

-         Microtechnology for fabrication of microfluidic systems (on Si, glass, plastic substrates)

-         Packaging technology (sealing, interconnects)

-         Applications in (bio)chemical microanalysis (separation methods and examples of micro-total analysis systems)