Laboratory on Fabrication of Integrated Circuits



Graduate Programme in Microelectronics, National University of Athens

Class title:

Laboratory on Fabrication of Integrated Circuits


Optional Course, Spring Semester



Ε. Tsoi, D. Kouvatsos, A. Tserepi



Class Description

Training on the fabrication technology of N-MOS integrated circuits



Recommended Textbooks

  1. VLSI Technology”, S.M. Sze, ή “Si VLSI Technology”, J.D. Plummer, M.D. Deal and P.B. Griffin
  2. Lecture Notes: “Clean rooms and technology for cleaning of Si wafers”, E. Tsoi, “Integrated processing for production of VLSI circuits”, D. Kouvatsos, “Laboratory infrastructure and processes in the clean room of IMEL”, Α. Tserepi



Prerequisite Knowledge

«Wafer processing for fabrication of Integrated Circuits», Course of Autumn Semester



Exams, homework

Homework and final exam