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Home Participants Praxis-Help-Forward, Forth |

Ελληνικά |
Praxis-Help-Forward, Forth
- The major technology transfer infrastructure in Greece established in 1991 by the
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), the Federation of Greek Industries
(FGI) and the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING). Most of its operations
are currently executed by FORTH.
- 15 members of staff, 5 offices in Athens, Thessaloniki, Larissa, Heraklion and Patras.
- Member of the Innovation Relay Centre (IRC) Network, the largest technology transfer
network of the world with 71 Centres throughout Europe.
- Elected "Best IRC 2002" by the 220 organisations operating IRCs in Europe
- Since 1998 appointed as National Contact Point for the European Framework Programmes
for Research & Technological Development providing information and assistance to participants
in research proposals.
- Participates in pan-european initiatives for promoting research and high-tech entrepreneurship
in selected fields such as micro & nanotechnology, biotechnology, environmental technologies,
information technologies.
- Operates the Liaison Office (LO) of FORTH and provides services for the operation of LOs
of other major Greek Institutions.
- Initiated and maintains regional partnerships and networks in Southeastern Europe and the
New Independent States.
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