The Conference Proceedings will
be reviewed by referees and the accepted contributions
will be published in a special issue of Physica
Status Solidi. The proceedings will be available
on-line, while all participants will receive a
copy of the conference proceedings after publication.
The manuscripts should be up to 6 pages long for
invited papers, and up to 4 pages for contributed
papers. Details about the paper preparation will
be given later.
The authors should submit their papers on-line
at Physica Status Solidi (please see instructions
below) before November 21st, 2007. No submission
will be accepted after this deadline.
Submission |
Please find attached instructions
for paper submission for publication in the special
volume of Physica Status Solidi, devoted to the
Confrence Proceedings (template,
for authors, technical
information). The paper lehgth has to be maximum
4 pages for contributed papers and 6 pages for
invited papers.
The main steps to follow for
manuscript submission are as follows:
1. Register
2. Login
3. Select -> Physica Status Solidi
4. Select -> "Micro&Nano2007"
5. Create Manuscript