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February 2025
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Journal Papers


  1. "High-density MIM capacitors with porous anodic alumina dielectric", Hourdakis, E., Nassiopoulou, A.G, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 57 (10), art. no. 5535075, pp. 2679-2683 (2010)
  2. "Photoluminescence-induced oscillations in porous anodic aluminum oxide films grown on Si: Effect of the interface and porosity", Gardelis, S., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Gianneta, V., Theodoropoulou, M., Journal of Applied Physics 107 (11), art. no. 113104 (2010)
  3. "Smart" polymeric microfluidics fabricated by plasma processing: Controlled wetting, capillary filling and hydrophobic valving”, Tsougeni, K., Papageorgiou, D., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E., (2010) Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology, 10 (4), pp. 462-469.
  4. “Plasma nanotextured PMMA surfaces for protein arrays: Increased protein binding and enhanced detection sensitivity”, Tsougeni, K., Tserepi, A., Constantoudis, V., Gogolides, E., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., (2010) Langmuir, 26 (17), pp. 13883-13891.
  5. “Study of flow and pressure field in microchannels with various cross-section areas”, Petropoulos, A., Kaltsas, G., Randjelovic, D., Gogolides, E., (2010) Microelectronic Engineering, 87 (5-8), pp. 827-829.
  6. “Stable superhydrophobic surfaces induced by dual-scale topography on SU-8”, Marquez-Velasco, J., Vlachopoulou, M.-E., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E., (2010) Microelectronic Engineering, 87 (5-8), pp. 782-785.
  7. “Micro and nano structuring and texturing of polymers using plasma processes: Potential manufacturing applications”, Gogolides, E., Vlachopoulou, M., Tsougeni, K., Vourdas, N., Tserepi, A., (2010) International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 6 (1-4), pp. 152-163.
  8. “Plasma directed assembly and organization: Bottom-up nanopatterning using top-down technology”, Vourdas, N., Kontziampasis, D., Kokkoris, G., Constantoudis, V., Goodyear, A., Tserepi, A., Cooke, M., Gogolides, E., (2010) Nanotechnology, 21 (8), art. no. 085302.
  9. “Optimized surface silylation of chemically amplified epoxidized photoresists for micromachining applications”, Kontziampasis, D., Beltsios, K., Tegou, E., Argitis, P., Gogolides, E., (2010) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 117 (4), pp. 2189-2195.
  10. “Stochastic modeling and simulation of photoresist surface and line-edge roughness evolution”, Patsis, G.P., Drygiannakis, D., Constantoudis, V., Raptis, I., Gogolides, E., (2010) European Polymer Journal, 46 (10), pp. 1988-1999.
  11. “Effects of resist sidewall morphology on line-edge roughness reduction and transfer during etching: is the resist sidewall after development isotropic or anisotropic?”, Constantoudis, V., Kokkoris, G., Gogolides, E., Pargon, E., Martin, M., (2010) J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS Vol. 9, 041209
  12. “Evolution of resist roughness during development: Stochastic simulation and dynamic scaling analysis”, Constantoudis, V., Patsis, G.P., Gogolides, E., (2010) J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS Vol. 9, 041207
  13. “Detailed resist film modeling in stochastic lithography simulation for line-edge roughness quantification”, Patsis, G.P., Drygiannakis, D., Raptis, I., (2010) Microelectronic Engineering 87 (5-8), pp. 989-992.
  14. “Simulation of shot noise effect on CD and LER of electron-beam lithography in 32 nm designs”, Patsis, G.P., Tsikrikas, N., Drygiannakis, D., Raptis, I., (2010) Microelectronic Engineering 87 (5-8), pp. 1575-1578.
  15. “Multiscale modeling in chemical vapor deposition processes: Coupling reactor scale with feature scale computations”, Cheimarios, N., Kokkoris, G., Boudouvis, A.G., (2010) Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (17), pp. 5018-5028
  16. “Entropy analysis of natural language written texts”, Papadimitriou, C., Karamanos, K., Diakonos, F.K., Constantoudis, V., Papageorgiou, H., (2010) Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389 (16), pp. 3260-3266.
  17. “Enhanced acousto-optic interactions in a one-dimensional phoxonic cavity”, Psarobas, IE; Papanikolaou, N; Stefanou, N; et al. Phys. Rev. B, 82 (17): Art. No. 174303 (2010)
  18. “Dual phononic and photonic band gaps in a periodic array of pillars deposited on a thin plate”, El Hassouani, Y, Pennec, CLY, El Boudouti, EH, H. Larabi, A. Akjouj, O. Bou Matar, V. Laude, N. Papanikolaou, A. Martinez, and B. Djafari Rouhani Phys. Rev. B, 82 (15): Art. No. 155405 (2010)
  19. “Effective optical parameters of thin-film and bulk metamaterials of metallodielectric nanosandwiches”, Tserkezis, C; Stefanou, N; Papanikolaou, N, Opt. Commun., 283 (20): 4074-4077 (2010)
  20. “Simultaneous existence of phononic and photonic band gaps in periodic crystal slabs”, Pennec, Y; Rouhani, BD; El Boudouti, EH; C. Li, Y. El-Hassouani, J. Vasseur, N. Papanikolaou, S. Benchabane, V. Laude, and A. Martinez, Opt. Exp., 18 (13): 14301-14310 (2010)
  21. “Absolute spectral gaps for infrared light and hypersound in three-dimensional metallodielectric phoxonic crystals”, Papanikolaou, N; Psarobas, IE; Stefanou, N, Appl. Phys. Lett., 96 (23): Art. No. 231917 (2010)
  22. “Extraordinary refractive properties of photonic crystals of metallic nanorods” Tserkezis, C; Stefanou, N; Papanikolaou, N, J. Opt.. Soc. Am. B, 27 (12): 2620-2626 (2010)
  23. “Vapor-induced swelling of supported methacrylic and siloxane polymer films: determination of interaction parameters” Manoli K, Goustouridis D, Raptis I, Valamontes E, Sanopoulou M, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 116 184-189 (2010)
  24. “Determination of Trace Tl(I) by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry on Novel Disposable Microfabricated Bismuth-Film Sensors” Kokkinos Ch, Economou A, Raptis I, Speliotis Th, Electroanalysis 22 2359-2365 (2010).
  25. “Polymer based chemical sensor array fabricated with conventional microelectronic processes” Kitsara M, Goustouridis D, Valamontes E, Oikonomou P, Beltsios K, Raptis I, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 12 1147-1151 (2010).
  26. V. Tsouti, C. Boutopoulos, D. Goustouridis, I. Zergioti, P. Normand, D. Tsoukalas, S. Chatzandroulis, “A chemical sensor microarray realized by laser printing of polymers”, Sens. Act. B: Chemical, vol. 150 (1), pp. 148-153 (2010).
  27. V. Tsouti, C. Boutopoulos, P. Andreakou, M. Ioannou, I. Zergioti, D. Goustouridis, D. Kafetzopoulos, D. Tsoukalas, P. Normand, S. Chatzandroulis, “Detection of DNA mutations using a capacitive micro-membrane array”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 26 (4), pp. 1588-1592 (2010).
  28. M. Kandyla, S. Chatzandroulis, I. Zergioti, “Laser induced forward transfer of conducting polymers”, (2010) Opto-Electronics Review, vol 18 (4), pp. 345-351
  29. “Integrated tool for the spreading, thermal treatment and in-situ process monitoring of thick photoresist films”, D.Goustouridis, I.Raptis, E.Valamontes, M.Chatzichrisitidi Microelectron. Eng. 87 1115(2010)
  30. “Growth of ZnO nanorods on patterned templates for efficient, large-area energy scavengers”, G. Niarchos, E. Makarona and C. Tsamis , Journal of Microsystem Technologies, 16, 669–675, 2010
  31. “Regenerable flow-through affinity sensor for label–free detection of proteins and DNA” Zavali M, Petrou PS, Goustouridis D, Raptis I, Misiakos K, Kakabakos SE, J. Chromatograph. B 878, 237(2010)
  32. “Biomolecular Layer Thickness Evaluation using White Light Reflectance Spectroscopy” Kitsara M, Petrou P, Kontziampasis D, Misiakos K, Makarona E, Raptis I, Beltsios K, Microelectron. Eng. 87 802(2010)
  33. “Integrated optical frequency-resolved Mach-Zehnder interferometers for label-free affinity sensing” Kitsara M, Misiakos K, Raptis I, Makarona E, Optics Express 18, 8193(2010)
  34. “Electrochemical biosensor microarray functionalized by means of biomolecule friendly photolithography” Mir M, Dondapati SK, Duarte MV, Chatzichristidi M, Misiakos K, Petrou P, Kakabakos SE, Argitis P, Katakis I, Biosensors & Bioelectronics Volume: 25 Issue: 9 Pages: 2115-2121, 2010
  35. "Dual-cardiac marker capillary waveguide fluoroimmunosensor based on tyramide signal amplification" Niotis AE, Mastichiadis C, Petrou PS, Christofidis I, Kakabakos SE,Siafaka-Kapadai A, Misiakos K, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Volume: 396,3, Pages: 1187-1196, 2010
  36. "Fully integrated monolithic optoelectronic transducer for real-time protein and DNA detection: The NEMOSLAB approach" Misiakos K, Petrou PS, Kakabakos SE, Yannoukakos D, Contopanagos H, Knoll T, Velten T, DeFazio M, Schiavo L, Passamano M, Stamou D, Nounesis G, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Volume 26,4, pages: 1528-1535,2010
  37. “On the importance of the Vg,max-Vth parameter on LTPS TFT stressing behavior”, Moschou, D.C., Kontogiannopoulos, G.P., Kouvatsos, D.N., Voutsas, A.T., Microelectronics Reliability 50 (2), 190, February 2010.
  38. “A Practical Model Assessing the Degradation of Polycrystalline Silicon TFTs due to dc Electrical Stress”, Kontogiannopoulos, G.P., F.V. Farmakis, D.N. Kouvatsos, G.J. Papaioannou and A.T. Voutsas, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ED-57 (6), 1390, June 2010.
  39. Polymer/carbon nanotube composite patterns via laser induced forward transfer, Christos Boutopoulos, Christos Pandis, Konstantinos Giannakopoulos, Polycarpos Pissis, and Ioanna Zergioti, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 041104 (2010)
  40. Structure and mechanical properties of low temperature magnetron sputtered nanocrystalline (nc-)Ti(N,C)/amorphous diamond like carbon (a-C:H) coatings, C. Tsotsos, M.A. Baker, K. Polychronopoulou, P.N. Gibson, K. Giannakopoulos, A.A. Polycarpou, K. Böbel, C. Rebholz, Thin Solid Films 519 (2010) 24–30
  41. Direct synthesis of nanocrystalline oxide powders by wet-chemical techniques, Vladimir V. Srdić, Ružica Djenadić, Marija Milanović, Nikolina Pavlović, Ivan Stijepović, Ljubica M. Nikolić, Evagelia Moshopoulous, Konstantinos Giannakopoulos, Jan Dusza, Karel Maca, Processing and Application of Ceramics 4 [3] (2010)
  42. Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous silica core-shell particles, Milan Nikolić, Konstantinos P. Giannakopoulos, Vladimir V. Srdić, Processing and Application of Ceramics, 4 [2] (2010) 81–85
  43. Structural and Electrical Properties of HfO2 / Dy2O3 Gate Stacks on Ge Substrate, E.K. Evangelou, M.S. Rahman, I.I. Androulidakis, A. Dimoulas, G. Mavrou, K. P. Giannakopoulos, D.F. Anagnostopoulos, R. Valicu, G.L. Borchert, Thin Solid Films, 2010, 518 (14), pp. 3964-3971.
  44. “Chemiresistive sensor fabricated by the sequential ink-jet printing deposition of a gold nanoparticle and polymer layer”, Skotadis E, Tang J, Tsouti V, et al., MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Volume: 87 Issue: 11 Pages: 2258-2263 Published: NOV 2010
  45. “Experiments and simulation on diffusion and activation of codoped with arsenic and phosphorous germanium”, Tsouroutas P, Tsoukalas D, Bracht H, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 108 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024903 Published: JUL 15 2010
  46. “Formation of silicon ultra shallow junction by non-melt excimer laser treatment” Florakis A, Papadimitriou A, Chatzipanagiotis N, et al.,SOLID-STATELECTRONICS Volume: 54 Issue: 9 Pages: 903-908 Published: SEP 2010
  47. “Trapping properties of sputtered hafnium oxide films: Bulk traps vs. interface traps”, Verrelli E, Galanopoulos G, Zouboulis I, et al.,THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 518 Issue: 19 Pages: 5579-5584 Published: JUL 30 2010
  48. “Non-melting annealing of silicon by CO2 laser”, Florakis A, Verrelli E, Giubertoni D, et al.,THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 518 Issue: 9 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 2551-2554 Published: FEB 26 2010
  49. Barquinha, P., Pereira, L., Gonçalves, G., Kuscer, D., Kosec, M., Vilà, A., Olziersky, A., Morante, J.R., Martins, R., Fortunato, E. Low-temperature sputtered mixtures of high-κ and high bandgap dielectrics for GIZO TFTs (2010) Journal of the Society for Information Display, 18 (10), pp. 762-772.
  50. Olziersky, A., Barquinha, P., Vilà, A., Pereira, L., Goņalves, G., Fortunato, E., Martins, R., Morante, J.R., Insight on the SU-8 resist as passivation layer for transparent Ga2O3 - In2O3-ZnO thin-film transistors (2010) Journal of Applied Physics, 108 (6), art. no. 064505
  51. “A water soluble inorganic molecular oxide as a novel electron injection layer for high performance hybrid polymer light-emitting diodes”, L.C.Palilis, M.Vasilopoulou, D.G.Georgiadou, P.Argitis, Organic Electronics, 11(5) 887, 2010.
  52. “Optical simulation and experimental study of hybrid polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells with a WO3 cathode interfacial layer”, N.A.Stathopoulos, L.C.Palilis, S.P.Savaidis, S.Yesayan, M.Vasilopoulou, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16 (6), art. no. 5466225, 1784, 2010.
  53. Thermally-Induced Acid Generation from 18-Molybdodiphosphate and 18-Tungstodiphosphate within Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate) Films, Chemistry of Materials A. M. Douvas, K.Yannakopoulou, P. Argitis, , 22, 2730-40, 2010
  54. "Theoretical Investigation on The Effect of Protonation on The Absorption and Emission Spectra of Two Amine-Goup-Bearing, Red "Push-Pull" Emitters, 4-Dimethylamino-4'-Nitrostilbene (DANS) and 4-(Dicyanomethylene)-2-Methyl-6-p-(Dimethylamino) Styryl-4H-Pyran (DCM)”, I. Petsalakis, D. Georgiadou, M. Vasilopoulou, G. Pistolis, D. Dimotikali, P. Argitis, G. Theodorakopoulos, , J.Phys. Chem. A, 114, 5580-7, 2010
  55. “Simulation of Shot Noise effect on CD and LER of Electron Beam Lithography in 32nm Designs”, Patsis G P, Tsikrikas N, Drygiannakis D, Raptis I Microelectron. Eng. 87 1575-1578, 2010
  56. “Integrated tool for the spreading, thermal treatment and in-situ process monitoring of thick photoresist films” Goustouridis D, Raptis I, Valamontes E, Chatzichrisitidi M Microelectron. Eng. 87 1115-1117 (2010)


  1. "Bulk fluorescence light blockers to improve homogeneous detection in capillary-waveguide fluoroimmunosensors”, Mastichiadis C, Petrou PS, Christofidis I, Misiakos, Kakabakos SE, Biosensors & Bioelectronics,24,p.2735-2739,2009
  2. "Detection of the Biotin-Streptavidin interaction by exploiting surface stress changes on ultrathin Si membranes", V.Tsouti, C.Boutopoulos, P.Andreakou, M.Ioannou, I.Zergioti, D.Goustouridis, D.Kafetzopoulos, D.Tsoukalas, P.Normand, S.Chatzandroulis, Microelectron. Eng., vol. 86 (4-6), 1495-1498, 2009.
  3. "Dynamic charge transfer effects in two-dimensional silicon nanocrystal layers embedded within SiO2",    V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, A. G. Nassiopoulou, J. of Appl. Phys., 106 (5), art. no. 054508 (2009)
  4. "Effect of exciton migration on the light emission properties in silicon nanocrystal ensembles", S. Gardelis, A. G. Nassiopoulou, N. Vouroutzis, N. Frangis, Journal of Appl. Phys., 105 (11), art. no. 113509, 2009 (Selected for the July 2009, Issue (vol. 8, issue 7) of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 2009)
  5. "Enhancement and red shift of photoluminescence (PL) of fresh porous Si under prolonged laser irradiation or ageing: Role of surface vibration modes", S. Gardelis, A. G. Nassiopoulou, M. Mahdouani, R. Bourguiga, S. Jaziri, Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 41 (6), pp. 986-989, 2009
  6. "Formation of porous anodic alumina templates in selected micrometer-sized areas on a Si substrate. Application for growing ordered Ti nanopillars", V. Gianneta, M. Huffman,  A. G. Nassiopoulou, Physica Status Solidi (A) 206 (6), pp. 1309-1312, 2009
  7. "Highly ordered hexagonally arranged sub-200 nm diameter vertical cylindrical pores on p-type Si using non-lithographic pre-patterning of the Si substrate", F. Zacharatos, V. Gianneta, A. G. Nassiopoulou, Physica Status Solidi (A) 206 (6), pp. 1286-1289, 2009
  8. "Investigation of Auger recombination in Ge and Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix",                     M. Mahdouani, R. Bourguiga, S. Jaziri, S. Gardelis, A. G. Nassiopoulou, Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 42 (1), pp. 57-62 (2009)
  9. "Laterally ordered 2-D arrays of Si and Ge nanocrystals within SiO 2 thin layers for application in non-volatile memories", A. G. Nassiopoulou, A. Olzierski, E. Tsoi, A. Salonidou, M. Kokonou, T. Stoica,          L. Vescan, International Journal of Nanotechnology, 6 (1-2), pp. 18-34 (2009)
  10. "Optimized porous Si microplate technology for on-chip local RF isolation", F. Zacharatos,                       H. Contopanagos, A. G. Nassiopoulou, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 56 (11), pp. 2733-2738 (2009)
  11. "Photoluminescence in the blue spectral region from fluorene molecules embedded in porous anodic alumina thin films on silicon", M. Fakis, V. Gianneta, P. Persephonis, V. Giannetas, A. G. Nassiopoulou, Optical Materials,  Optical Materials, 31 (8), pp. 1184-1188, 2009
  12. "Photoluminescence properties of porous silicon/fluorene dye composites ", M. Fakis,  F. Zacharatos,     V. Gianneta, P. Persephonis, V. Giannetas, A. G. Nassiopoulou, Materials Science and Engineering B, 165 (3) 2009
  13. "Real-time label-free detection of complement activation products in human serum by white light reflectance spectroscopy”, Petrou PS, Ricklin D, Zavali M, Raptis I, Kakabakos SE , Misiakos K, Lambris JD, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 24,  p.3359-3364, 2009
  14. "Ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix",   E. Lioudakis,          A. Emporas, A. Othonos, A. G. Nassiopoulou, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 483 (1-2), pp. 597-599 (2009)
  15. "Ultra-thin poly(dimethylsiloxane) film-coated glass capillaries for fluoroimmunosensing applications", Niotis AE, Mastichiadis C, Petrou PS, Siafaka-Kapadai A , Christofidis I , Misiakos K,  Kakabakos SE,  Microelectronic Engineering, 86   p. 1491-1494, 2009
  16. “A flexible capacitive device for pressure and tactile sensing”, Petropoulos, A., Kaltsas, G., Goustouridis, D., Gogolides, E., (2009) Procedia Chemistry, 1 (1), pp. 867-870.
  17. “A global model for SF6 plasmas coupling reaction kinetics in the gas phase and on the surface of the reactor walls”, Kokkoris, G., Panagiotopoulos, A., Goodyear, A., Cooke, M., Gogolides, E., (2009) Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42 (5), art. no. 055209.
  18. “A low temperature surface modification assisted method for bonding plastic substrates“, Vlachopoulou ME, Tserepi A, Pavli P, Argitis P. Sanopoulou M. Misiakos K., Journal Of Micromechanics And Microengineering, 19, A.N.: 015007, 2009
  19. “A monolithic photonic microcantilever device for in situ monitoring of volatile compounds”, Misiakos K, Raptis I, Gerardino A, Contopanagos H. Kitsara M, LAB ON A CHIP,9, p.1261-1266, 2009
  20. “A novel microfluidic integration technology for PCB-based devices: Application to microflow sensing”, Kontakis, K., Petropoulos, A., Kaltsas, G., Speliotis, T., Gogolides, E., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 1382-1384.
  21. “Advanced lithography models for strict process control in the 32 nm technology node”, Patsis, G.P., Drygiannakis, D., Raptis, I., Gogolides, E., Erdmann, A., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 513-516.
  22. “Back gate influence on front channel operation of p-channel double gate polysilicon TFTs”, Michalas,     L., G.J. Papaioannou, D.N. Kouvatsos and A.T. Voutsas, Thin Solid Films 517 (23), 6364, October 2009.
  23. “Calculated optical transitions in a silicon quantum wire modulated by a quantum dot”,  X. Zianni and                 A. G. Nassiopoulou, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 20, S68-S70 (2009)
  24. “Capillary waveguide fluoroimmunosensor with improved repeatability and detection sensitivity”, Niotis AE, Mastichiadis C, Petrou PS, Christofidis I,Siafaka-Kapadai A, Misiakos K, Kakabakos SE, Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry,393 p.1081-1086, 2009
  25. “Charge carrier mobility in sulphonated and non-sulphonated ni phthalocyanines: Experiment and quantum chemical calculations”, Šebera, J., Nešpurek, S., Kratochvílová, I., Záliš, S., Chaidogiannos, G., Glezos, N. (2009).. European Physical Journal B, 72(3), 385-395.
  26. “Chemical binding of biomolecules to micropatterned epoxy modified surfaces for biosensing applications”, P. Pavli, P.S. Petrou, D. Niakoula, A.M. Douvas, M. Chatzichristidi, S.E. Kakabakos,          D. Dimotikali, P. Argitis, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 86, 1473-1476, 2009
  27. “Conceptual Design of a Wireless Strain Monitoring System for Space Applications”, “Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems”, P. Broutas, S. Kyriakis Bitzaros, D. Goustouridis, S. Katsafouros, D. Tsoukalas,                  S. Chatzandroulis, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 13 pp. 405-410, 2009
  28. “Cycle-averaged phase-space states for the harmonic and the Morse oscillators, and the corresponding uncertainty relations”, Nicolaides, C.A., Constantoudis, V., (2009) European Journal of Physics, 30 (6), pp. 1277-1294.
  29. “Data Modeling for Tools and Technologies for the Analysis and Synthesis of NANO structures”, Giacomini, M.; Pastorino, L.; Soumetz, F. Caneva; Mielczarski, J.A.; Mielczarski, E.; Rangelow I. ; Gotszalk T.; Glezos N.; Huq, Ejaz; Ruggiero C,: Journal of Information Technology Research, Vol. 2, Issue 3  p 49-70 , 2009
  30. “Degradation and lifetime estimation of n-MOS SLS ELA polycrystalline TFTs during hot carrier stressing – Effect of channel width in the region Vth  VGS,stress  VDS,stress/2”, Kontogiannopoulos, G.P., F.V. Farmakis, D.N. Kouvatsos, G.J. Papaioannou and A.T. Voutsas, Semiconductor Science and Technology 24 (7), 0750271, July 2009.
  31. “Effect of surface nanostructuring of PDMS on wetting properties, hydrophobic recovery and protein adsorption”, Vlachopoulou, M.-E., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Tserepi, A., Beltsios, K., Gogolides, E., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 1321-1324.
  32. “Electrical and optical evaluation of polymer composites for chemical sensing applications”, G. Dendrinos, L. Quercia, I. Raptis, K. Manoli, S. Chatzandroulis, D. Goustouridis, K. Beltsios, Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 86 (4-6), 1289-1292, 2009.
  33. “Evaluation of a microfluidic sensor fabricated on polymeric material”, Petropoulos, A., Kontakis, K., Kaltsas, G., Gogolides, E., (2009) DTIP of MEMS and MOEMS - Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, art. no. 4919510, pp. 398-401.
  34. “Gallium Implantation and Diffusion in Crystalline Germanium”, N. Ioannou, D. Skarlatos, N. Z. Vouroutzis, S. N. Georga, C. A. Krontiras and C. Tsamis, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 13 (3) H70-H72
  35. “High-density protein patterning through selective plasma-induced fluorocarbon deposition on Si substrates”, Bayiati, P., Malainou, A., Matrozos, E., Tserepi, A., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Gogolides, E., (2009) Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24 (10), pp. 2979-2984.
  36. “Highly transparent partially fluorinated methacrylate polymers for optical waveguides Partially Fluorinated Methacrylate Polymers as Active and Cladding Components in Optical Waveguides”, M. Vasilopoulou,          A. M. Douvas , L. C. Palilis, P. Bayiati, D. Alexandropoulos,   N. A. Stathopoulos  and P.  Argitis,  Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), 1142-45, 2009
  37. “Hybrid organic-inorganic materials for molecular proton memory devices“, E., Kapetanakis, A.M. Douvas, D. Velessiotis, E. Makarona, P. Argitis, N. Glezos, P. Normand, Organic Electronics, vol. 10, 711-718, 2009
  38. “Integrated plasma processing simulation framework, linking tool scale plasma models with 2D feature scale etch simulator”, Hauguth, M., Volland, B.E., Ishchuk, V., Dressler, D., Danz, T., Rangelow, I.W., Kokkoris, G., Gogolides, E., Goodyear, A., Cooke, M., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 976-978.
  39. “Large magnetoresistance in [Co(1 nm)/Bi(2.5 nm)]10 line structures” C.Christides, Th.Speliotis, M.Chatzichristidi, I.Raptis, Microelectron. Eng. 86, 1050, 2009
  40. “Line Edge Roughness transfer during plasma etching: Modeling approaches and comparison with experimental results“, Constantoudis, V., Kokkoris, G., Xydi, P., Gogolides, E., Pargon,    E., Martin,            M., (2009) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7273, art. no. 72732J.
  41. “Line-edge-roughness transfer during plasma etching: modeling approaches and comparison with experimental results“, V. Constantoudis, G. Kokkoris, P. Xydi, E. Gogolides, E. Pargon,  M. Martin,          J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 8, 043004 (2009)
  42. “Low voltage operating OFETs based on solution-processed metal phthalocyanines”, Chaidogiannos, G., Petraki, F., Glezos, N., Kennou, S., & Nešpurek, S. (2009).. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing,96(3), 763-767.
  43. “Magnetic properties of Co films and Co/Pt multilayers deposited on PDMS nanostructures”, Markou,                  A., Beltsios, K.G., Panagiotopoulos, I., Vlachopoulou, M.-E., Tserepi, A., Alexandrakis, V., Bakas,                        T., Dimopoulos, T., (2009) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321 (17), pp. 2582-2586.
  44. “Materials for lithography in the nanoscale“, Argitis, P., Niakoula, D., Douvas, A.M., Gogolides, E., Raptis, I., Vidali, V.P., Couladouros, E.A., (2009) International Journal of Nanotechnology, 6 (1-2), pp. 71-87  (2009)
  45. “Mechanisms of oxygen plasma nanotexturing of organic polymer surfaces: From stable super hydrophilic to super hydrophobic surfaces”, Tsougeni, K., Vourdas, N., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E., Cardinaud, C., (2009) Langmuir, 25 (19), pp. 11748-11759.
  46. “Modeling of line edge roughness transfer during plasma etching”, Constantoudis, V., Kokkoris, G.,            Xydi, P., Patsis, G.P., Gogolides, E., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 968-970.
  47. “Modeling of roughness evolution during the etching of inhomogeneous films: Material-induced anomalous scaling”, Constantoudis, V., Christoyianni, H., Zakka, E., Gogolides, E., (2009) Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 79 (4), art. no. 041604.
  48. “Nanoscale roughness effects at the interface of lithography and plasma etching: Modeling of line-edge-roughness transfer during plasma etching”, Kokkoris, G., Constantoudis, V., Gogolides, E., (2009) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 37 (9 SPEC. ISS. PART 1), pp. 1705-1714.
  49. “Nano-textured polymer surfaces with controlled wetting and optical properties using plasma processing”, Vourdas, N.E., Vlachopoulou, M.-E., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E., (2009) International Journal of Nanotechnology, 6 (1-2), pp. 196-207.
  50. “Nano-texturing of poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer using plasma processes and applications in wetting control and protein adsorption”, Tsougeni, K., Petrou, P.S., Tserepi, A., Kakabakos, S.E., Gogolides, E., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 1424-1427.
  51. “Noise-free estimation of spatial Line Edge/Width Roughness parameters”, Constantoudis, V., Gogolides, E., (2009) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7272, art. no. 72724B.
  52. “Novel disposable microfabricated antimony-film electrodes for adsorptive stripping analysis of trace Ni(II)” Ch.Kokkinos, A.Economou, I.Raptis, Th.Speliotis Electrochem. Comm. 11 250-257, 2009.
  53. “Novel disposable microfabricated antimony-film electrodes for adsorptive stripping analysis of trace Ni(II)” Ch.Kokkinos, A.Economou, I.Raptis, Th.Speliotis Electrochem. Comm. 11 250 (2009)
  54. “On the study of p-channel thin-film transistors fabricated by SLS ELA crystallization techniques”, Exarchos, M.A., G.J. Papaioannou, D.C. Moschou, D.N. Kouvatsos, A. Arapoyanni and A.T. Voutsas, Thin Solid Films 517 (23), 6375, October 2009.
  55. “Ordering domains of spin-cast blends of conjugated and dielectric polymers on surfaces patterned by soft- and photo-lithography” J.Jaczewska, A.Budkowski, A.Bernasik, I.Raptis, E.Moons, D.Goustouridis, J.Haberko, J.Rysz, Soft Matter 5, 234, 2009
  56. “Photochemically-induced acid generation from 18-molybdodiphosphate and 18-tungstodiphosphate within poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) films”, A.M. Douvas, A. Kapella, D. Dimotikali, P. Argitis,  Inorg. Chem. Vol. 48, 4896-4907, 2009
  57. “Photopatterned Polymer Light-Emitting Diode (PLED) arrays for biosensing applications”,                         M. Vasilopoulou, P. S. Petrou, S. E. Kakabakos, L. C. Palilis , D. Georgiadou, A. Botsialas, P.  Argitis, Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), 1511, 2009
  58. “Polymer/BaTiO3 nanocomposites based chemocapacitive sensors”, P.Oikonomou, K.Manoli, D.Goustouridis, I.Raptis, M.Sanopoulou Microelectron. Eng. 86 1286-1289 2009.
  59. “Quantitative force and mass measurements using the cantilever with integrated actuator and deflection detector”, Woszczyna, M., Zawierucha, P., Swiatkowski, M., Gotszalk, T., Grabiec, P., Nikolov, N., Glezos N. (2009). Microelectronic Engineering, 86(4-6), 1043-1045.
  60. “Real-time detection of BRCA1 gene mutations using a monolithic silicon optocoupler array”, Mavrogiannopoulou E, Petrou PS, Kakabakos SE Misiakos K,  Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 24,p. 1341-1347, 2009
  61. “SAW device integrated with microfluidics for array-type biosensing”, Mitsakakis, K., Tserepi, A., Gizeli, E., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 1416-1418.
  62. “Silicon optocouplers for biosensing”,  Petrou PS, Kakabakos SE, Misiakos K, International Journal Of Nanotechnology, 6, p.: 4-17   Published: 2009
  63. “Structured ZnO-based contacts deposited by non-reactive rf magnetron sputtering on ultra-thin SiO2/Si through a stencil mask”, A. Barnabé, M. Lalanne, L. Presmanes, J.M. Soon, Ph. Tailhades, C. Dumas, J. Grisolia, A. Arbouet, V. Paillard, G. BenAssayag, M.A.F. van den Boogaart, V. Savu, J. Brugger, P. Normand, Thin Solid Films 518, 1044-1047, 2009.
  64. “Study of interfacial defects induced during the oxidation of ultrathin strained silicon layers”, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, N. Kelaidis, C. Tsamis, D. Skarlatos, C. Krontiras, S. N. Georga, Ph. Komninou, B. Kellerman, M. Seacrist, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, Issue 11, 2009, No 114503
  65. “Surface modification of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane copolymer films by 157 nm laser light”,           E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A.C. Cefalas, A.E. Siokou, P. Argitis, V. Bellas, S. Kobe, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, Article number 114305, 2009
  66. “Tailoring plasmons with metallic nanorod arrays”, C. Tserkezis, N. Papanikolaou, E. Almpanis, and                 N. Stefanou, Phys. Rev. B 80, art. no. 125124 (2009)
  67. “Temperature-dependent low electric field charging of Si nanocrystals embedded within oxide-nitride-oxide dielectric stacks”, N. Nikolaou, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, P., S. Schamm, C. Bonafos, G. Ben Assayag, A.  Mouti, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, Nanotechnology 20, Article number 305704, 2009.
  68. “Ultra-low-energy ion-beam-synthesis of Ge nanocrystals in thin ALD Al2O3 layers for memory applications”, P. Dimitrakis, A. Mouti, C. Bonafos, S. Schamm, G. Ben Assayag, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, B. Schmidt, J. Becker, P. Normand, , Microelectronic Engineering 86, 1838-1841, 2009.
  69. “Metallic nanoparticles for application in non-volatile memories” D. Tsoukalas Intern. J. of Nanotechnology 6, 35-45 (2009)
  70. “From silicon to organic nanoparticle memory devices”, D. Tsoukalas, Philosophical Transactions A of the Royal Society 1905, 4169-4179, (2009)
  71. “Assembly of charged nanoparticles using self-electrodynamic focusing”, J. Tang, E. Verrelli,                           D. Tsoukalas, Nanotechnology, 20, 36 365605 (2009)
  72. “Fabrication of Nanowires from Gold Nanoparticles by AC Dielectrophoresis and Ink-jet Delivery”, J. Tang, D. Tsoukalas, J. of Nano Research, 6, 67 (2009)
  73. “Modeling and experiments on diffusion and activation of phosphorus in germanium”,  P. Tsouroutas,      D. Tsoukalas, I. Zergioti, et al, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 094910 (2009)
  74. “Fabrication of gold nanoparticle lines based on fracture induced patterning”, J. Tang, S. Kolliopoulou,          D. Tsoukalas, Microelectronic Engin. 86, 861(2009)
  75. “Selective deposition of charged nanoparticles by self-electric focusing effect”, J. Tang, E. Verrelli,          D. Tsoukalas, Microelectronic Engin. 86, 898 (2009)


1. “RF characterization and isolation properties of mesoporous Si by on-chip coplanar waveguide measurements”, Contopanagos, H., Zacharatos, F., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Solid-State Electr., 52 (11), pp. 1730-1734 (2008)

2. “Optical properties of periodic structures of metallic nanodisks”, G. Gatzounis, N. Stefanou, and N. Papanikolaou, Phys. Rev. B 77, 035101 (2008)

3. “Self-assembled hexagonal ordering of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 nanodots”,  A. G. Nassiopoulou, V. Gianneta, M. Huffman, M. A. Reading, J. A. Van Den Berg, I. Tsiaoussis, N. Frangis, Nanotechnology 19, 495605 (2008)

4. “Highly ordered hexagonally arranged nanostructures on silicon through a self-assembled silicon-integrated porous anodic alumina masking layer”, F. Zacharatos, V. Gianneta and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Nanotechnology 19, 495306 (2008)

5. “Understanding artificial optical magnetism of periodic metal-dielectric-metal layered structures”, C. Tserkezis, N. Papanikolaou, G. Gantzounis, N. Stefanou, Phys. Rev. B 78, 165114 (2008)

6. “A combined experimental and simulation study on thickness dependence of the emission characteristics in multicolor single layer organic light-emitting diodes”, N. A. Stathopoulos, M. Vasilopoulou, L. C. Palilis, D. G. Georgiadou, and P. Argitis, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 083310 (2008)

7. "Liquid phase direct laser printing of polymers for chemical sensing applications", C.Boutopoulos, V.Tsouti, D. Goustouridis, S.Chatzandroulis and I.Zergioti, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 191109 ,2008

8. “Surfacenano/microfunctionalization of PMMA thin films by 157 nm irradiation for sensing applications”, E.Sarantopoulou, Z.Kollia, A.C.Cefalas, K.Manoli, M.Sanopoulou, D.Goustouridis, S.Chatzandroulis, I.Raptis, Appl. Surf. Sci. 254 1710(2008)

9. “Formation and metrology of dual scale nano-morphology on SF6 plasma etched silicon surfaces”, G. Boulousis, V. Constantoudis, G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, Nanotechnology, 19 (25), pp.255301 (2008)

10. “Electron beam lithography simulation for the patterning of EUV masks”, N.Tsikrikas, G.P.Patsis, I.Raptis, A.Gerardino, E.Quesnel, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47 4909 (2008)

11. “Growth and electrical characterization of thin conductive Au nanoparticle chains on oxidized Si substrates between electrodes for sensor applications”, Zoy, A., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Phys. Stat. S. (a) Applications and Materials, 205 (11), pp. 2621-2624 (2008)

12. “Auger recombination in silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 wide band-gap lattice”, Mahdouani, M., Bourguiga, R., Jaziri, S., Gardelis, S., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) Applications and Materials, 205 (11), pp. 2630-2634 (2008)

13. “Investigation of the undershoot effect in polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors”, Michalas, L., G.J. Papaioannou, D.N. Kouvatsos and A.T. Voutsas, Sol. State Electron. 52 (3), 394, 2008

14. “Study of Base Series Resistance Losses in Single and Double Emitter Silicon Solar Cells Through Simulations and Experiments”, K. Kotsovos, K. Misiakos, Progress in Photovoltaics, vol. 16,   issue: 7,   pages: 577-584

15. “Broadband electrical characterization of macroporous silicon at microwave frequencies”, Contopanagos, H., Pagonis, D.N., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Phys. Stat. S. (a) Applications and Materials, 205 (11), pp. 2548-2551 (2008)

16. “Columnar growth of ultra-thin nanocrystalline Si films on quartz by Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition: Accurate control of vertical size”, Lioutas, Ch.B., Vouroutzis, N., Tsiaoussis, I., Frangis, N., Gardelis, S., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Phys. Stat. S. (a) Applications and Materials, 205 (11), pp. 2615-2620 (2008)

17. “Efficient infared emission from periodically patterned thin metal films on a Si photonic crystal”, P. Theodoni, P. Bayiati, M. Chatzichristidi, Th. Speliotis, V. Em. Vamvakas, I. Raptis, and N. Papanikolaou, Microelectronic Engineering 85 1112-1115 (2008)

18. “Oriented spontaneously formed nano-structures on poly(dimethylsiloxane) films and stamps treated in O2 plasmas”, Tsougeni, K., Boulousis, G., Gogolides, E., Tserepi, A., Microelectronic Engineering, 85 (5-6), pp. 1233-1236, (2008)

19. “High-density plasma silicon oxide thin films grown at room-temperature”, Vlachopoulou, M.E., Dimitrakis, P., Tserepi, A., Vamvakas, V.Em., Koliopoulou, S., Normand, P., Gogolides, E., Tsoukalas, D., Microelectronic Engineering 85 (5-6), pp. 1245-1247, (2008)

20. “Growth and electrical characterization of thin conductive Au nanoparticle chains on oxidized Si substrates between electrodes for sensor applications”, Zoy, A., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Phys. Stat. S. (a) Applications and Materials, 205 (11), pp. 2621-2624 (2008)

21. “Realization and simulation of high aspect ratio micro/nano structures by proton beam writing”, E.Valamontes, M.Chatzichristidi, N.Tsikrikas, D.Goustouridis, I.Raptis, C. Potiriadis, J.A.vanKan, F.Watt, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47 8600 (2008)

22. “A thermal vacuum sensor fabricated on plastic substrate - Study in various operation modes”, Petropoulos, A., Kaltsas, G., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Phys. Stat. S. (a) Applications and Materials, 205 (11), pp. 2639-2642 (2008)

23. “Copper-filled macroporous Si and cavity underneath for microchannel heat sink technology”, Zacharatos, F., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Phys. Stat. S. (A) Applications and Materials, 205 (11), pp. 2513-2517 (2008)

24. “Patterned thin metal films on a Si photonic crystal for efficient IR emission”, P.Theodoni, P.Bayiati, M.Chatzichristidi, T.Speliotis, V.Vamvakas, I.Raptis, N.Papanikolaou, Microelectronic Engineering 85 1112(2008)

25. “Large asymmetries of magnetoresistance loops in Co-line structures”, C.Christides, Th.Speliotis, M.Chatzichristidi, I.Raptis, Microelectronic Engineering 85 1382(2008)

26. “Efficient infared emission from patterned thin metal films on a Si photonic crystal”,  P. Theodoni,  V. Em. Vamvakas, Th. Speliotis, M. Chatzichristidi, P. Bayiati, I. Raptis, and N. Papanikolaou, Phys. stat. sol. (a) 205, No. 11, 2581–2584 (2008)

27. “Energy transfer processes among emitters dispersed in a single polymer layer for colour tuning in OLEDs”, D. Georgiadou, M. Vasilopoulou, G. Pistolis, D. Dimotikali, P. Argitis, Phys. Stat. S. (a) Applicat. and Materials 205 (11), 2008,  pp. 2526-2531

28. “All-organic optocouplers based on polymer light-emitting diodes and photodetectors”, N. Stathopoulos, L. C. Palilis, M. Vasilopoulou, A. Botsialas, P. Falaras, and P. Argitis, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) Applications and Materials 205 (11), 2008, pp. 2522-2525.

29. “Hot-wire CVD of copper films on self-assembled-monolayers of MPTMS”, G. Papadimitropoulos, A. Arapoyanni and D. Davazoglou, Phys. Stat. S. (a) Applications and Materials 205 (11), 2008, pp. 2607-2610

30. “KFM detection of charges injected by AFM into a thin SiO2 layer containing Si nanocrystals”, C. Dumas, L. Ressier, J. Grisolia, A. Arbouet, V. Paillard, G. BenAssayag, S. Schamm, P. Normand, Microelectronic Engineering 85, 2358-2361 (2008)

31. “Molecular weight and processing effects on the dissolution properties of thin poly(methyl methacrylate) films”, A.Kokkinis, E.S.Valamontes, D.Goustouridis, Th.Ganetsos, K.Beltsios, I.Raptis, Microelectronic Engineering 85 93(2008)

32. “Direct laser printing of biotin microarrays on low temperature oxide on Si substrates”, C.Boutopoulos, P.Andreakou, D.Kafetzopoulos, S. Chatzandroulis, I.Zergioti, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), vol. 205, no. 11, pp. 2505 – 2508, (2008)

33. “Modelling MOSFET gate length variability for future technology nodes”, Patsis, G.P., Phys. Stat. S. (A) Applications and Materials, 205 (11), pp. 2541-2543, (2008)

34. “Ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix”, Lioudakis, E., Emporas, A., Othonos, A., Nassiopoulou, A.G., J. of Alloys and Compounds, doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.07.193,  Article in Press (2008)

35. “Enhancement and red shift of photoluminescence (PL) of fresh porous Si under prolonged laser irradiation or ageing: Role of surface vibration modes“, Gardelis, S., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Mahdouani, M., Bourguiga, R., Jaziri, S., Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems, doi:10.1016/j.physe.2008.08.021, Article in Press (2008)  and Nanostructures,

36. “A novel SLS ELA crystallization process and its effects on polysilicon film defectivity and TFT performance”, Moschou, D.C., M.A. Exarchos, D.N. Kouvatsos, G.J. Papaioannou, A.T. Voutsas, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (5-6), 1447, May-June 2008

37. “Characterization of thin film transistors fabricated on different sequential lateral solidified poly-silicon substrates”, Michalas, L., G.J. Papaioannou, D.N. Kouvatsos, F.V. Farmakis and A.T. Voutsas, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (5-6), 976, May-June 2008

38. “Processing effects on the dissolution properties of thin chemically amplified photoresist films”, D.Drygiannakis, G.P.Patsis, K.vanWerden, A.Boudouvis, I.Raptis, Microelectronic Engineering 85 955(2008)

39. “High-aspect-ratio micro/nano machining with proton beam writing on aqueous developable - easily stripped negative chemically amplified resists”, M.Chatzichristidi, E.Valamontes, N.Tsikrikas, P.Argitis, I.Raptis, J.A.van Kan, F.Zhang, F.Watt, Microelectronic Engineering 85 945(2008)

40. “Monolithic Silicon Optocoupler Engineering for Advanced Sensing Applications”, K.Misiakos, E.Makarona, M.Kitsara, I.Raptis, Microelectronic Engineering 85 1074(2008)

41. “Stochastic simulation studies of molecular resists for the 32nm technology node”, D.Drygiannakis, G.P.Patsis, N.Tsikrikas, G.Kokkoris, I.Raptis, A.Boudouvis, E.Gogolides, P.Argitis, Microelectronic Engineering 85 949(2008)

42. “Field-effect transistors with thin ZnO as active layer for gas sensor applications”, F. V. Farmakis, A. Speliotis, K. P. Alexandrou, C. Tsamis, M. Kompitsas, I. Fasaki, P. Jedrasik, G. Petersson, B. Nilsson, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (5-6), pp. 1035-1038 (2008)

43. “Metallic bonding methodology for heterogeneous integration of optoelectronic dies to CMOS circuits”, P. Robogiannakis, E.D. Kyriakis-Bitzaros, K. Minoglou, S. Katsafouros, A. Kostopoulos, G. Konstantinidis, G. Halkias, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 85, pp. 727-732, April 2008

44. “Morphology, structure, chemical composition, and light emitting properties of very thin anodic silicon films fabricated using short single pulses of current”, Gardelis, S., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Petraki, F., Kennou, S., Tsiaoussis, I., Frangis, N., J. of Appl. Phys., 103 (10), art. no. 103536 (2008)

45. “Surface-related states in oxidized silicon nanocrystals enhance carrier relaxation and inhibit auger recombination”, Othonos, A., Lioudakis, E., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Nanoscale Research Letters, 3(9), pp.315-320(2008)doi 10.1007/s11671-008-9159-8 and selected for open-access presentation to the OAtube Nanotechnology 1 (2008) 903 (http://www.oatube.org/2008/09/aothonos.html)

46. “Determination of critical points on silicon nanofilms: surface and quantum confinement effects”, E. Lioudakis, A. Othonos and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 5 (2008) 3776, DOI 10.1002/pssc.200780109 (2008)

47. Multilevel charge storage in Si nanocrystals arranged in double-dot-layers within SiO2”, Theodoropoulou, M., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Microelectronic Engineering 85 (12), pp. 2362-2365 (2008)

48. “Thermal conductivity of SiC nanowires”, N. Papanikolaou, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 135201 (2008)

49. “Molecular storage elements for proton memory devices”, Eleftherios Kapetanakis, Antonios M. Douvas, Dimitris Velessiotis, Eleni Makarona, Panagiotis Argitis, Nikos Glezos, and Pascal Normand, Adv. Mater. 20 (23), 2008,  pp. 4568-4574

50. “Dynamics and laser processing of functional fluoride organic surfaces at VUV wavelengths”, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, M. Chatzichristidi, A. Douvas, P. Argitis, S. Kobe, A. C. Cefalas, J. of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 3, 24-29 (2008)

51. “Vertical devices of self-assembled hybrid organic/inorganic monolayers based on tungsten polyoxometalates”, E. Makarona, E. Kapetanakis, D.M. Velessiotis, A. Douvas, P. Argitis, P. Normand, T. Gotszalk, M. Woszczyna, N. Glezos, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (5-6), pp. 1399-1402

52. “Polyoxometalate-based layered structures for charge transport control in molecular devices”, Douvas, A.M., Makarona, E., Glezos, N., Argitis, P., Mielczarski, J.A., Mielczarski, E., ACS Nano 2 (4), 2008,  pp. 733-742

53. “Nanostructured oxides on porous silicon microhotplates for NH3 sensing” R.Triantafyllopoulou, X.Illa, O.Casals, S.Chatzandroulis, C.Tsamis, A.Romano-Rodriguez, J.R. Morante, (2008) Microelectronic Engineering 85 (5-6), pp. 1116-1119.

54. “Design and fabrication of a Si micromechanical capacitive array for DNA sensing”, V.Tsouti, S.Chatzandroulis, D.Goustouridis, P.Normand, D.Tsoukalas, (2008) Microelectronic Engineering, 85 (5-6), pp. 1359-1361

55. “Detection of the Biotin-Streptavidin interaction by exploiting surface stress changes on ultrathin Si membranes", V.Tsouti, C.Boutopoulos, P.Andreakou, M.Ioannou, I.Zergioti, D.Goustouridis, D.Kafetzopoulos, D.Tsoukalas, P.Normand, S.Chatzandroulis, Microelectronic Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.mee.2008.11.058

56. “Electrical and optical evaluation of polymer composites for chemical sensing applications”, G. Dendrinos, L. Quercia, I. Raptis, K. Manoli, S. Chatzandroulis, D. Goustouridis, K. Beltsios, Microelectronic Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.mee.2008.12.001

57. “Plasma processing for polymeric microfluidics fabrication and surface modification: Effect of super-hydrophobic walls on electroosmotic flow”, N. Vourdas, A. Tserepi, A.G. Boudouvis, E. Gogolides, Microelectronic Engineering, 85 (5-6), pp. 1124-1127, (2008)

58. “High-aspect-ratio plasma-induced nanotextured poly(dimethylsiloxane) surfaces with enhanced protein adsorption capacity”, Vlachopoulou, M.E., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E., J. of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 26 (6), pp. 2543-2548, (2008)

59. “Integration of microfluidics with a love wave sensor for the fabrication of a multisample analytical microdevice”, Mitsakakis, K., Tserepi, A., Gizeli, E., Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 17 (4), pp. 1010-1019, (2008)

60. “Fabrication of a micro-column for gas separation using poly (dimethylsiloxane) as structural and functional material”, A. Malainou, M. E. Vlachopoulou, R. Triantafyllopoulou, A. Tserepi, and S. Chatzandroulis, J. Micromech. Microeng., 18, 105007 (2008)

61. “The potential of neutral beams for deep silicon nanostructure etching”, Kokkoris, G., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E., J. of Physics D: Appl. Phys., 41 (2), art. no. 024004 (2008)

62. “A global model for C4F8 plasmas coupling gas phase and wall surface reaction kinetics”, Kokkoris, G., Goodyear, A., Cooke, M., Gogolides, E., J. of Physics D: Appl. Phys., 41 (19), art. no. 195211, (2008)

63. “Nonlinear classical model for the decay widths of isoscalar giant monopole resonances”, Papachristou, P.K., Mavrommatis, E., Constantoudis, V., Diakonos, F.K., Wambach, J., Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, 77 (4), art. no. 044305, (2008)

64. “Rare events and their impact on velocity diffusion in a stochastic Fermi-Ulam model”, Karlis, A.K., Diakonos, F.K., Constantoudis, V., Schmelcher, P., Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 78 (4), art. no. 046213, (2008)

65. “Scattering off an oscillating target: Basic mechanisms and their impact on cross sections”, Brouzos, I., Karlis, A.K., Chrysanthakopoulos, C.A., Diakonos, F.K., Constantoudis, V., Schmelcher, P., Benet, L., Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 78 (5), art. no. 056207, (2008)

66. “Reliability and defectivity comparison of n- and p-channel SLS ELA polysilicon TFTs fabricated with a novel crystallization technique”, Moschou, D.C., M.A. Exarchos, D.N. Kouvatsos, G.J. Papaioannou, A. Arapoyanni and A.T. Voutsas, Microelectronics Reliability 48 (8-9), 1544, 2008

67. “Hot carrier stress induced degradation of SLS ELA polysilicon TFTs – Effects of gate width variation and device orientation”, Kontogiannopoulos, G.P., F.V. Farmakis, D.N. Kouvatsos, G.J. Papaioannou and A.T. Voutsas, Sol. State Electr. 52 (3), 388, 2008

68. “Role of band gap states on the electrical behaviour of sequential lateral solidified polycrystalline silicon TFTs”, Michalas, L., G.J. Papaioannou, D.N. Kouvatsos and A.T. Voutsas, Journal of the Electrochem. Soc. 155 (1), H1, 2008

69. “Electrical properties of metal-oxide-semiconductor structures with low-energy Ge-implanted and annealed thin gate oxides”, E. Kapetanakis, P. Normand, P. Holliger, J. of Appl. Phys. 103, art. no. 064515 (2008)

70. “Electrical behavior of memory devices based on fluorene-containing organic thin films”, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, D. Tsoukalas, C. Pearson, J.H. Ahn, M.F. Mabrook, D.A. Zeze, M.C. Petty, K.T. Kamtekar, C. Wang, M.R. Bryce, M. Green, J. of Appl. Phys. 104, art. no. 044510 (2008)

71. “Study of charge storage characteristics of memory devices embedded with metallic nanoparticles”, Ch. Sargentis, K. Giannakopoulos, A. Travlos, P. Normand, D. Tsamakis, Superlattices and Microstructures 44, 483-488 (2008)

72. “Silicon nanoparticles synthesized in SiO2 pockets by stencil-masked low energy ion implantation and thermal annealing”, J. Grisolia, C. Dumas, G. Ben Assayag, C. Bonafos, S. Schamm, A. Arbouet, V. Paillard, M.A.F. van den Boogaart, J. Brugger, P. Normand, Superlattices and Microstructures 44, 395-401 (2008)

73. “Surface modification of polymeric thin films at SiO2 interfaces with vacuum ultraviolet light”, E.Sarantopoulou, J.Kovač, Z.Kollia, I.Raptis, S.Kobe, A.C.Cefalas, Surf. Interface Anal. 40 400(2008)

74. “Aqueous base developable - easy stripping, high aspect ratio negative photoresist for optical and proton beam lithography”, M.Chatzichristidi, I.Rajta Th.Speliotis, E.Valamontes, D.Goustouridis, P.Argitis, I.Raptis, Microsyst. Technol. 14 1423(2008)

75. “Lithographically-fabricated disposable bismuth-film electrodes for the trace determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) by anodic stripping voltammetry”, Ch.Kokkinos, A.Economou, I.Raptis, C.E.Efstathiou, Electroch. Acta. 53 5294(2008)

76. “Magneto-transport properties of [Co/Bi]n wire structures”, C.Christides, Th.Speliotis, M.Chatzichristidi, I.Raptis, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 320 e720(2008)

77. “Disposable mercury-free cell-on-a-chip devices with integrated microfabricated electrodes for the determination of trace nickel(II) by adsorptive stripping voltammetry”, Ch.Kokkinos, A.Economou, I.Raptis, Th.Speliotis, Anal. Chem. Acta 622 111(2008)

78. “Detection of CO and NO Using Low Power Metal Oxide Sensors”, R. Triantafyllopoulou, and C. Tsamis, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 5, No. 12, 3647–3650 (2008)

79. “Influence of thermal processing on the electrical characteristics of MOS capacitors on strained-Silicon substrates”, N. Kelaidis, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, D. Skarlatos, C. Tsamis, C. A. Krontiras, S. N. Georga, B. Kellerman, M. Seacrist., Thin Solid Films, Volume 517, Issue 1, p. 350-352, 2008

80. “Structural and sensing properties of nanocrystalline SnO2 films deposited by spray pyrolysis from a SnCl2 precursor”, Gaiduk, P.I., Kozjevko, A.N., Prokopjev, S.L., Tsamis, C., Nylandsted Larsen, A.,  Appl. Phys. A: Materials Science and Processing 91 (4), pp. 667-670 (2008)

81. “Capillary-based immunoassays, immunosensors and DNA sensors - steps towards integration and multi-analysis.”, Mastichiadis, C., Niotis, A.E., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Misiakos, K., TrAC - Trend Anal. Chem. 27, 771-784, 2008

82. “Wavelength division multiplexing based optical backplane with arrayed waveguide grating passive router”, E. Grivas, E.D. Kyriakis-Bitzaros, G. Halkias, S.G. Katsafouros, G. Morthier, P. Dumon, R. Baets, T. Farell, N. Ryan, I. McKenzie, E. Armadillo, Optical Eng. Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 025401-1-7, 2008


1. "Influence of grain size on ultrafast carrier dynamics in thin nanocrystalline silicon films", E. Lioudakis, A. Othonos, A. G. Nassiopoulou, Ch. B. Lioutas and N. Frangis, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 191114  2007

2. "Fundamental transport processes in assembles of silicon quantum dots" I. Balberg, E. Savir, J. Jedrzejewski, A. G. Nassiopoulou, S. Gardelis, Phys. Rev. B 75  235329 (2007)

3. "Ultrafast transient photoinduced absorption in silicon nanocrystals: Coupling of oxygen-related states to quantized sublevels", E. Lioudakis, A. Othonos, A. G. Nassiopoulou, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 171103  2007

4. "Self-assembly of single thin Au nanoparticle chains on Si along V-groove-etched lines between micrometer-distant electrodes by dielectrophoresis" A. Zoy, A. A. Nassiopoulos and A. G. Nassiopoulou Nanotechnology 18 345608 (2007)

5. “Two-silicon-nanocrystal layer memory structure with improved retention characteristics”, A. G. Nassiopoulou and A. Salonidou, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., vol. 7, 368-373 (2007)

6. “Ge quantum dot memory structure with laterally ordered highly dense arrays of Ge dots”, A. G. Nassiopoulou, A. Olzierski, E. Tsoi, I. Berbezier and A. Karmous, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., vol. 7, 316-321 (2007)

7. "The role of surface vibrations and quantum confinement effect to the optical properties of very thin nanocrystalline silicon films", Lioudakis, E., Antoniou, A., Othonos, A., Christofides, C., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Lioutas, Ch.B., Frangis, N., J. of Appl. Physics 102 (8), art. no. 083534 (2007)

8. "Ultra-thin films with embedded Si nanocrystals fabricated by electrochemical dissolution of bulk crystalline Si in the transition regime between porosification and electropolishing", Gardelis, S., Tsiaoussis, I., Frangis, N., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Nanotechnology 18 (11), art. no. 115705 (2007)

9. "Few nanometer thick anodic porous alumina films on silicon with high density of vertical pores", Kokonou M., Giannakopoulos K.P., Nassiopoulou A.G., Thin Solid Films 515, pp. 3602-3606 (2007)

10. "A silicon thermal accelerometer without solid proof mass using porous silicon thermal isolation" D. Goustouridis, G. Kaltsas and A. G. Nassiopoulou IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 7 No 7 983 (2007)

11. "Quntum confinement and interface structure of Si nanocrystals of sizes 3-5 nm embedded in α-SiO2" E. Lioudakis, A. Othonos, G. C. Hadjisavvas, P. C. Kelires and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Physica E 38 128-134 (2007)

12. "Charging/discharging kinetics in LPCVD silicon nanocrystal MOS memory structures", V. Turchanikov, A. Nazarov, V. Lysenko, E. Tsoi, A. Salonidou and A. G. Nassiopoulou Physia E 38 89-93 (2007)

13. "Nanostructuring Si surface and Si/SiO2 interface using porous-alumina-on-Si template technology. Electrical characterization of Si/SiO2 interface" M. Kokonou and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Physica E 38, 1-5 (2007)

14. "Formation of confined macroporous silicon membranes on pre-defined areas on the Si substrate", Pagonis, D.N., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Physica Status Solidi (a) 204 (5), pp. 1335-1339 (2007)

15. "Novel microfluidic flow sensor based on a microchannel capped by porous silicon", Pagonis, D.N., Petropoulos, A., Kaltsas, G., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Tserepi, A., Physica Status Solidi (a) 204 (5), pp. 1474-1479 (2007)

16. "Integrated inductors on porous silicon", Contopanagos, H., Nassiopoulou, A.G., Physica Status Solidi (a) 204 (5), pp. 1454-1458 (2007)

17. "A smart flow measurement system for flow evaluation with multiple signals in different operation modes", G. Kaltsas, P. Katsikogiannis, P. Asimakopoulos, A. G. Nassiopoulou, Meas. Sci. Technol. 18 (2007) 3617–3624

18. “Input and intrinsic device modeling of VCSELs”, K. Minoglou,G. Halkias,E. D. Kyriakis-Bitzaros,D. Syvridis, Journal Computational Electronics, Sringer Science, Vol. 6, 2007, pp. 309–312.

19. “An experimental study of the thermally activated processes in polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors”, Michalas, L., M. Exarchos, G.J. Papaioannou, D.N. Kouvatsos and A.T. Voutsas, Microelectronics Reliability, 47 (12), 2058, 2007

20. “Influence of polysilicon film thickness on radiation response of advanced excimer laser annealed polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors”, Davidovic, V., D.N. Kouvatsos, N. Stojadinovic and A.T. Voutsas, Microelectronics Reliability 47 (9-11), 1841, September-November 2007

21. “Degradation of double-gate polycrystalline silicon TFTs due to hot carrier stress”, Farmakis, F.V., G.P. Kontogiannopoulos, D.N. Kouvatsos, A.T. Voutsas, Microelectronics Reliability 47 (9-11), 1434, 2007

22. “Performance and reliability of SLS ELA polysilicon TFTs fabricated with novel crystallization techniques”, Moschou, D.C., M.A. Exarchos, D.N. Kouvatsos, G.J. Papaioannou and A.T. Voutsas, Microelectronics Reliability 47 (9-11), 1378, 2007

23. “Front and Back Channel Properties of Asymmetrical Double-Gate Polysilicon TFTs”, Farmakis, F.V., D.N. Kouvatsos, A.T. Voutsas, D.C. Moschou, G.P. Kontogiannopoulos and G.J. Papaioannou, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154 (10), H910, 2007

24. “Nickel nanoparticle deposition at room temperature for memory applications”, Verelli, E., D. Tsoukalas, K. Giannakopoulos, D. Kouvatsos, P. Normand and D.E. Ioannou, Microelectronic Engineering, 84 (9-10), 1994, 2007

25. “Device degradation behavior and polysilicon film morphology of TFTs fabricated using advanced excimer laser lateral solidification techniques”, Kouvatsos, D.N., A.T. Voutsas, L. Michalas, F. Farmakis and G.J. Papaioannou, Thin Solid Films 515 (19), 7413, 2007

26. “Characterization of double gate TFTs fabricated in advanced SLS ELA polycrystalline silicon films”, Kouvatsos, D.N., F.V. Farmakis, D.C. Moschou, G.P. Kontogiannopoulos, G.J. Papaioannou and A.T. Voutsas, Solid State Electronics 51 (6), 936, 2007

27. “Effective parameters for metamorphic materials and metamaterials through a resonant inverse scattering approach”, N. Alexopoulos, C. Kyriazidou and H. Contopanagos, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.Vol. 55, No 2 (Feb. 2007), pp. 254-267.

28. “Parasitic memory effects in shallow-trench-isolated nanocrystal memory devices”, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, Solid-State Electronics 51, 125-136 (2007)

29. “Proton radiation tolerance of nanocrystal memories”, E. Verrelli, I. Anastassiadis, D. Tsoukalas, M. Kokkoris, R. Vlastou, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 38, 67-70 (2007)

30. “Oxide-nitride-oxide memory stacks formed by low-energy Si ion implantation into nitride and wet oxidation”, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, P. Dimitrakis, V.E. Vamvakas, P. Normand, C. Bonafos, S. Schamm, N. Cherkashin, G. Ben Assayag, M. Perego, M. Fanciulli, Microelectr. Engin. 84, 1986-1989 (2007)

31. “Oxide-nitride-oxide dielectric stacks with Si nanoparticles obtained by low-energy ion beam synthesis”, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, P. Dimitrakis, V.E. Vamvakas, P. Normand, C. Bonafos, S. Schamm, A. Mouti, G. Ben Assayag, V. Paillard, Nanotechnology 18, 215204 (2007)

32. “Wet oxidation of nitride layer implanted with low-energy Si ions for improved oxide-nitride-oxide memory stacks”, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, P. Dimitrakis, V.E. Vamvakas, P. Normand, C. Bonafos, S. Schamm, N. Cherkashin, G. Ben Assayag, M. Perego, M. Fanciulli, Appl. Phys. Let. 90, 263513 (2007)

33. “Proton radiation effects on nanocrystal non-volatile memories”, E. Verrelli, D. Tsoukalas, M. Kokkoris, R. Vlastou, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, IEEE Trans Nuclear Science 54, 975-981 (2007)

34. “Electronic memory device based on a single-layer fluorene-containing organic thin film”, C. Pearson, J.H. Ahn, M.F. Mabrook, D.A. Zeze, M.C. Petty, K.T. Kamtekar, C. Wang, M.R. Bryce, P. Dimitrakis, D. Tsoukalas, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 123506 (2007)

35. “Impact of structural parameters on the performance of silicon micromachined capacitive pressure sensors”, V. Tsouti, G. Bikakis, S. Chatzandroulis, D. Goustouridis, P. Normand, D. Tsoukalas D., Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 137 (1), 20-24 (2007)

36. “Copper metallization based on direct-liquid-injection hot-wire CVD”, Papadimitropoulos G and Davazoglou D, Microelectronic Engineering 84 (5-8): 1148-1151 May-Aug. 2007

37. “Hot-wire assisted chemical vapor deposition of Cu by direct-liquid-injection of CupraSelect”, Papadimitropoulos G, Davazoglou D, Surface & Coatings Technol. 201 (22-23): 8935-8938, 2007

38. “Structure and electrical properties of selectively chemically vapor deposited vanadium oxide films from Vanadium tri-i-propoxy oxide vapors”, Kritikos L, Zambefis L, Papadimitropoulos G, and Davazoglou D, Surface & Coatings Technology 201 (22-23): 9334-9339 Sep. 25 2007

39. “Modeling of low energy-high dose arsenic diffusion in silicon in the presence of clustering-induced interstitial generation”, D. Skarlatos, C. Tsamis,  J. Appl. Physics 102 (4), 043532 (2007)

40. “Atomic scale simulations of donor-Vacancy pains in germanium”, A. Chroneos, R. Grimes and C. Tsamis, J. of Materiials Science: Materials in Electronics 18 (7), pp. 763-768 (2007)

41. “Magneto-transport properties of NiMnSb thin films on InSb single crystals: Negative giant magnetoresistance”, S. Gardelis, J. Androulakis, Z. Viskadourakis, EL. Papadopoulou, J. Gaipintzakis, S. Rai, G.S. Lodha, S.B. Roy, /Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials/ 204, 92 (2007)

42. “Optical characterization of Si-rich silicon nitride films prepared by low pressure chemical vapor deposition”, V. Em. Vamvakas, N. Vourdas, S. Gardelis, /Microelectr. Reliability/ 47, 794-797 (2007)

43. “FTIR characterization of light emitting Si-rich nitride films prepared by low pressure chemical vapor deposition”, V. Em. Vamvakas, S. Gardelis, /Surface and Coatings Technology /201, 9359 (2007)

44. “A biomolecule friendly photolithographic process for fabrication of protein microarrays on polymeric films coated on silicon chips”, P.S. Petrou, M. Chatzichristidi, A. M. Douvas, P. Argitis, K. Misiakos and S.E. Kakabakos, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22, 1994-2002, 2007

45. "Nano-scale spatial control over surface morphology of biocompatible fluoropolymers at 157 nm", E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas, A.M. Douvas, M. Chatzichristidi, P. Argitis, S. Kobe, Materials Science and Engineering: C, Vol. 27, 1191-1196, 2007

46. “Stochastic simulation studies of molecular resists”, D. Drygiannakis, G.P. Patsis, I. Raptis, D. Niakoula, V. Vidali, E. Couladouros, P. Argitis & E. Gogolides, Microelectron. Eng., 84, 1062-65, 2007

47. “Polymer self-assembled nano-structures and surface relief gratings induced with laser at 157 nm”, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A.C. Cefalas, A.M. Douvas, M. Chatzichristidi, P. Argitis and S. Kobe, Appl. Surf. Science, 253, 7884-7889, 2007

48. “Tuning the emitting colour of Organic Light Emitting Diodes through photochemically induced transformations: towards single layer, patterned, full colour displays and white lighting applications”, M. Vasilopoulou, G. Pistolis, D. Georgiadou, P. Argitis, Adv. Funct. Mater., 17 (17), 2007, p. 3477-3485

49. “Light-emission characteristics of silicon nanocrystals formed by anodization of bulk crystaline silicon in the transition regime”, S. Gardelis, A.G. Nassiopoulou, Phys. Status Sol. c/ 4, 2165 (2007)

50. “Humidity effects in spin-coated films of polythiophene-polystyrene blends”, J.Jaczewska, A.Budkowski, A.Bernasik, I.Raptis, J.Raczkowska, D.Goustouridis, J.Rysz, M.Sanopoulou J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 105 67(2007)

51. “Fabrication of conductometric chemical sensors with a novel lithographic method”, N.Andreadis, S.Chatzandroulis, D.Goustouridis, K.Beltsios, I.Raptis Microelectron. Eng. 84 1211(2007)

52. “Proton beam micromachined buried microchannels in negative tone resist materials”, I.Rajta, M.Chatzichristidi, E.Baradács, C.Cserháti, I.Raptis, K.Manoli, E.S.Valamontes Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 260 414(2007)

53. “Effect of magnetic-field on metal-insulator transitions in Bi wire structures”, M.Chatzichristidi, Th.Speliotis, I.Raptis, I.Haritantis, D.Niarchos, C.Christides Microelectron. Eng. 84 1528(2007)

54. “Process simulation at electron beam lithography on different substrates”, K.Vutova, G.Mladenov, I.Raptis, A.Olziersky J. Mater. Process. Tech. 184 305(2007)

55. “Stochastic simulation of material and process effects on the patterning of complex layouts”, N.Tsikrikas, D.Drygiannakis, G.P.Patsis, I.Raptis, S.Stavroulakis, E.Voyiatzis Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. B 46 6191(2007)

56. “Composite Chemical Sensors Based on Carbon-Filled, Patterned Negative Resists”, S.Chatzandroulis, N.Andreadis, D.Goustouridis, L.Quercia, I.Raptis, K.Beltsios Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. B 46 6423(2007)

57. “Enhancement of sensing properties of thin poly(methyl methacrylate) films by VUV surface modification”, I.Raptis, J.Kovač, M.Chatzichristidi, E.Sarantopoulou, Z.Kollia, S.Kobe, A.C.Cefalas J. Laser Microelectronic Engineering 2 200(2007)

58. “Sequential polymer lithography for chemical sensor arrays”, M.Kitsara, K.Beltsios, D.Goustouridis, S.Chatzandroulis, I.Raptis Eur. Polymer J. 43 4602(2007)

59. “Single chip interdigitated electrode capacitive chemical sensor arrays”, M.Kitsara, D.Goustouridis, S.Chatzandroulis, M.Chatzichristidi, I.Raptis, Th.Ganetsos, R.Igreja, C.J.Dias Sens. Act. B. 127 186(2007)

60. “Swelling of poly(3-alkylthiophene) films exposed to solvent vapours and humidity: Evaluation of solubility parameters”, J.Jaczewska, I.Raptis, A.Budkowski, D.Goustouridis, J.Raczkowska, M.Sanopoulou, E.Pamuła, A. Bernasik, J.Rysz Synth. Met. 157 726(2007)

61. “Pattern matching, simulation and metrology of complex layouts fabricated by electron beam lithography”, N.Tsikrikas, D.Drygiannakis, G.P.Patsis, I.Raptis, A.Gerardino, S.Stavroulakis, E.Voyiatzis J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 25 2307(2007)

62. “Disposable bismuth-sputtered electrodes for the determination of trace metals by anodic stripping voltammetry”, Ch.Kokkinos, A.Economou, I.Raptis, Th.Speliotis C.E.Efstathiou Electrochem. Commun. 9 2795(2007)

63. “Electrowetting on plasma-deposited fluorocarbon hydrophobic films for biofluid transport in microfluidics”, Bayiati, P., Tserepi, A., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Misiakos, K., Gogolides, E., Journal of Applied Physics 101 (10), art. no. 103306 (2007)

64. “Biofluid transport on hydrophobic plasma-deposited fluorocarbon films”, Bayiati, P., Tserepi, A., Petrou, P.S., Misiakos, K., Kakabakos, S.E., Gogolides, E., Cardinaud, C., Microelectronic Engineering 84 (5-8), pp. 1677-1680 (2007)

65. “Tunable poly(dimethylsiloxane) topography in O2 or Ar plasmas for controlling surface wetting properties and their ageing”, Tsougeni K, Tserepi A, Boulousis G, V. Constantoudis, E. Gogolides, (2007) JPN J Applied Physics 1 46 (2): 744-750.

66. “Control of nanotexture and wetting properties of polydimethylsiloxane from very hydrophobic to super-hydrophobic by plasma processing”, Tsougeni K., Tserepi A., Boulousis G., Constantoudis V., Gogolides E., (2007) Plasma Processes and Polymers, 4 (4), pp. 398-405.

67. “Photosensitive poly(dimethylsiloxane) materials for microfluidic applications”, Tsougeni K., Tserepi A., Gogolides E., (2007) Microelectronic Engineering, 84 (5-8), pp. 1104-1108.

68. “Nanostructuring of PDMS surfaces: Dependence on casting solvents”, Vlachopoulou M.-E., Tserepi A., Beltsios K., Boulousis G., Gogolides E., (2007) Microelectronic Engineering, 84 (5-8), pp. 1476-1479.

69. “Nanotextured super-hydrophobic transparent poly(methyl methacrylate) surfaces using high-density plasma processing”, Vourdas N., Tserepi A., Gogolides E., (2007) Nanotechnology, 18 (12), art. no. 125304.

70. “Fermi acceleration in the randomized driven Lorentz gas and the Fermi-Ulam model”, Karlis A.K., Papachristou P.K., Diakonos F.K., Constantoudis V., Schmelcher P., (2007) Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 76 (1), art. no. 016214.

71. “Simulation of materials and processing effects on photoresist line-edge roughness”, G. P. Patsis, Μ. D. Nijkerk, L. H. Leunissen, and E. Gogolides, International Journal of Computational Science and Enginnering (Special Issue on Computational Methods and Computer Aided Design) Vol. 2, 3-4, 134-143 (2007)Techniques for Nanoscale Technology

72. “Effects of lithography nonuniformity on device electrical behavior. Simple stochastic modeling of material and process effect on device performance”,  G. P. Patsis, V. Constantoudis, and E. Gogolides, J. Computational Electronics 5, 341 (2007)

73. “Dual nanoscale roughness on plasma-etched si surfaces: role of etch inhibitors”,  G. Kokkoris, V. Constantoudis, P. Angelikopoulos, G. Boulousis, &E. Gogolides, Phys. Rev. B 76, 193405 (2007)

74. “Some new nickel 1,2-dichalcogenolene complexes as single-component semiconductors”, Papavassiliou, G.C. , Anyfantis, G.C. , Steele, B.R. , Terzis, A. , Raptopoulou, C.P. , Tatakis, G. , Chaidogiannos, G. , Glezos, N. , Weng, Y. , Yoshino, H.e , Murata, K., J. of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 62, (5), 679 (2007)

75. “Soluble Phthalocyanines: Perspective Materials for Electronics”, Nešpůrek, S., Chaidogiannos, G., Glezos, N., Wang, G., Böhm, S., Rakušan, J., Karásková, M., Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals 468 (1), pp. 3-21 (2007)

76. “Roughness formation during plasma etching of composite materials: a kinetic Monte Carlo approach”, Zakka, E., Constantoudis, V., Gogolides, E., IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, vol. 35 (5) Page(s): 1359-1369 , 2007

77. “Copper films deposited by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition and direct-liquid-injection of CupraSelect”, G. Papadimitropoulos and D. Davazoglou Chemical Vapor Deposition 13, 656 (2007)

78. “Conduction eigenchannels of atomic-sized contacts: Ab initio KKR Green’s function formalism”, A. Bagrets, N. Papanikolaou and I. Mertig , Phys. Rev. B 75, 235448 (2007)

79. “Optical properties of metallic nanoparticle arrays on a thin metallic film”, N. Papanikolaou, Phys. Rev. B 75, 235426 (2007)


1. “Photoluminescence lifetimes of Si quantum dots”, Xanthi Zianni and A. G. Nassiopoulou, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 074312 (2006)

2. “Design and simulation of integrated inductors on porous silicon in CMOS-compatible processes”, H. Conopanagos and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Sol. St. Electronics, vol. 50 (7-8) 1283 (2006)

3. “Growth and characterization of high density stoichiometric SiO2 dot arrays on Si through anodic porous alumina template”, M. Kokonou, A. G. Nassiopoulou, K. P. Giannakopoulou, A. Travlos, T. Stoica and S. Kennou, Nanotechnology 17, 2146 (2006)

4. “Probing carrier dynamics in implanted and annealed polycrystalline silicon thin films using white light”, E. Lioudakis, A. Othonos and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 (18) 181107 (2006)

5. “Free-standing macroporous silicon membranes over a large cavity for filtering and lab-on-chip applications", D. N. Pagonis and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Microelectronic Engin. 83, 1421–1425 (2006)

6. “Femtosecond carrier dynamics in implanted and highly annealed polycrystalline silicon”, E. Lioudakis, A. G. Nassiopoulou and A. Othonos, Semiconductor Science and Technology 21 (8), pp. 1041-1046 (2006)

7. “Ellipsometric analysis of ion-implanted polycrystalline silicon films before and after annealing”, E. Lioudakis, A. G. Nassiopoulou and A. Othonos, Thin Solid Films 496 (2), pp. 253-258 (2006)

8. “Metamorphic Materials: Bulk electromagnetic transitions realized in electronically reconfigurable composite media ”, C. Kyriazidou, H. Contopanagos and N. Alexopoulos, Journ. Opt. Soc. Am. A Vol. 23, No. 11, pp. 2961-2968 (Nov. 2006)

9. “Negative giant longitudinal magnetoresistance in NiMnSb/InSb: Interface effect”, S. Gardelis, J. Androulakis, Z. Viskadourakis, E.L. Papadopoulou, J. Giapintzakis, S.Rai, G.S. Lodha, and S.B. Roy , Physical Review B 74, 214427 (2006)

10. “Surface and interface study of pulsed-laser-deposited off-stoichiometric NiMnSb thin films on a Si(100) substrate”, S. Rai, M.K. Tiwari, G.S. Lodha, M.H. Modi, M.K. Chattopadhyay, S. Majumdar, S. Gardelis, Z. Viskadourakis, J. Giapintzakis, R.V. Nandedkar, S.B. Roy, and P. Chaddah, Physical Review B 73, 035417 (2006)

11. “Comparison of free surface polarization of NiMnSb and Co2MnSi”, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Bugoslavsky, M.H. Syed, T. Robinson, L.F. Cohen, L.J. Singh, Z.H. Barber, C.E.A. Grigorescu, S. Gardelis, J. Giapintzakis, W. Van Roy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 142512 (2006)

12. “Characteristics of MOS diodes using sputter-deposited tungsten or copper / tungsten films”, Tsevas, S., M. Vasilopoulou, D.N. Kouvatsos, A. Speliotis and D. Niarchos, Microelectronic Engineering, 83 (4-9), 1434, 2006.

13. “On the drain current overshoot transient in polycrystalline silicon transistors: The effect of hole generation mechanism”, Exarchos, M.A., G.J. Papaioannou, D.N. Kouvatsos and A.T. Voutsas, Journal of Applied Physics, 99 (2), 024511, 2006.

14. “Monolithic silicon optoelectronic transducers and elastomeric fluidic modules for bio-spotting and bio-assay experiments”, Misiakos, K., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Vlahopoulou Μ.Ε., Tserepi A., Gogolides E., Ruf, H.H., Microelectron. Eng. 83, 1605-1608, 2006.

15. “Biochip-compatible packaging and micro-fluidics for a silicon opto-electronic biosensor”, Ruf H.H., Knoll T., Misiakos K., Haupt R.B., Denninger M., Larsen L.B., Petrou P.S., Kakabakos S.E., Ehrentreich-Foerster E., Bier F.F., Microelectron. Eng. 83, 1677-1680, 2006.

16. “Metal nano-floating gate memory devices fabricated at low temperature”, S. Koliopoulou, P. Dimitrakis, D. Goustouridis, P. Normand, C. Pearson, M.C. Petty, H. Radamson, D. Tsoukalas, Microelectronic Engineering 83, 2006

17. “Oxidation of Si nanocrystals fabricated by ultralow-energy ion implantation in thin SiO2 layers”, H. Coffin, C. Bonafos, S. Schamm, N. Cherkashin, G. Ben Assayag, A. Claverie, M. Respaud, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 2006

18. “Implantation and diffusion of phosphorous in germanium”, A. Chroneos, D. Skarlatos, C. Tsamis, A. Christofi, D.S. McPhail and R. Hung, Mater. Sci. Semicon. Proc., 9, 640-643 (2006)

19. “Atomic Scale Simulations of the As-vacancy Complexes in Germanium”, A. Chroneos, R. W. Grimes and C. Tsamis, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 9, p. 536–540 (2006)

20. “Oxidation of very low energy nitrogen–implanted strained-silicon”, N. Kelaidis, D. Skarlatos, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, C. Tsamis, Ph. Komninou, B. Kellerman and M. Seacrist, Materials Science and Engineering: B, Volume 135, Issue 3 , Pages 199-202, December 2006

21. “Alternative microhotplate design for low power sensor arrays”, R. Triantafyllopoulou, S. Chatzandroulis, C. Tsamis and A. Tserepi, Microelectronics Eng., Vol. 83(4-9), p. 1189-1191 (2006)

22. “Integrated circuit interface for metal oxide chemical sensor arrays”, P. Robogiannakis, S. Chatzandroulis and C. Tsamis, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 132, Issue 1, 8 November 2006, Pages 252-257

23. “Non conservative Ostwald ripening of a dislocation loop layer under inert common and nitrogen – rich SiO2/si interfaces”, D. Skarlatos, P. Tsouroutas, V. Em. Vamvakas and C. Tsamis, J. Appl. Phys. 99 (10): art. no. 103507, May 15 (2006)

24. “Layer by layer UV microlithography for the fabrication of embedded microchannels”, M.Kitsara, M.Chatzichristidi, D.Niakoula, D.Goustouridis, K.Beltsios, P.Argitis, I.Raptis, Microelectronic Engineering 83, 1298 – 1302, 2006

25. “Electron beam lithography simulation for the fabrication of EUV masks”, G.P.Patsis, N.Tsikrikas, I.Raptis, N.Glezos, Microelectronic Engineering 83, 1148-1151, 2006

26. “Off line metrology on SEM images using gray scale morphology”, E.N.Zois, I.Raptis, V.Anastassopoulos, Microchimica Acta 155, 323-325, 2006

27. “Pattern guided structure formation in polymer films of asymmetric blends”, J.Raczkowska, A.Bernasik, A.Budkowski, P.Cyganik, J.Rysz, I.Raptis, P.Czuba, Surface Sci. 600, 1004-1010, 2006

28. “Thickness-dependent glass transition temperature of thin resist films for high resolution lithography”, S.Marceau, J.-H.Tortai, J.Tillier, N.Vourdas, E.Gogolides, I.Raptis, K.Beltsios, K.van Werden, Microelectronic Engineering 83, 1073-1077, 2006

29. “A Lithographic Polymer Process Sequence for Chemical Sensing Arrays”, M.Kitsara, D.Goustouridis, S.Chatzandroulis, K.Beltsios, I.Raptis, Microelectronic Engin. 83, 1192-1196, 2006

30. “Polymeric electrolytes for WO3-based electrochromic displays”, M.Vasilopoulou, I.Raptis, P.Argitis, I.Aspiotis, D.Davazoglou, Microelectronic Engineering 83, 1414-1417, 2006

31. “Vapor sorption in thin supported polymer films studied by white light interferometry”, K.Manoli, D.Goustouridis, S.Chatzandroulis, I.Raptis, E.S.Valamontes, M.Sanopoulou, Polymer 47, 6117-6122, 2006

32. “Multi-wavelength interferometry and competing optical methods for the thermal probing of thin polymeric films”, N.Vourdas, G.Karadimos, D.Goustouridis, E.Gogolides, A.G.Boudouvis, J.-H.Tortai, K.Beltsios, I.Raptis, Jorurnal of Applied Polymer Science 102, 4764-4773, 2006

33. “Ab initio approach to the ballistic transport through single atoms”, A. Bagrets, N. Papanikolaou, and I. Mertig, Phys. Rev. B 73, 045428 (2006)

34. “Partially fluorinated, polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-functionalized (meth)acrylate resists for 193 nm bilayer lithography”, A.M. Douvas, Van Roey, F., Goethals, M., Papadokostaki, K.G., Yannakopoulou, K., Niakoula, D., Gogolides, E., Argitis, P., Chemistry of Materials 18 (17), 4040-4048, 2006.

35. “Photochemically-induced ligand exchange reactions of ethoxy-oxo-molybdenum(V) tetraphenylporphyrin in chlorinated solvents”, A.M. Douvas, P. Argitis, A. Maldotti and A. G. Coutsolelos, Polyhedron, 25, 3427-34, 2006.

36. “Plasma oxidation of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) polymers”,D. Eon, G. Cartry, C. Cardinaux, N. Vourdas, P. Argitis, E. Gogolides, J. Vac.Sci.Technol. B, 24, 2678-88, 2006.

37. “Protonic methacrylate polymeric electrolytes for all-solid-state WO3-based electrochromic displays”, M. Vasilopoulou, I. Raptis, P Argitis, G. Aspiotis and D Davazoglou, Microelectron Eng., 83, 1414-1417, 2006.

38. “Electrical characterization of molecular monolayers containing tungsten polyoxometalates”, Nikos Glezos, Antonios M. Douvas, Panagiotis Argitis, Frank Saurenbach, Juergen Chrost and Christos Livitsanos, Microelectronic Engineering, 83, 1757-1760, 2006.

39. “Layer-by-layer UV micromachining methodology of epoxy resist embedded microchannels”, M. Kitsara, M. Chatzichristidi, D. Niakoula, D. Goustouridis, K. Beltsios, P. Argitis and I. Raptis, Microelectronic Engineering, 83, 1298-1301, 2006

40. “Nano-scale spatial control over surface morphology of biocompatible fluoropolymers at 157 nm”, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas, A.M. Douvas, M. Chatzichristidi, P. Argitis, S. Kobe, Materials Science and Engineering C, in press, available online 17 November 2006.

41. “A biomolecule friendly photolithographic process for fabrication of protein microarrays on polymeric films coated on silicon chips”, P.S. Petrou, M. Chatzichristidi, A. M. Douvas, P. Argitis, K. Misiakos and S.E. Kakabakos, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, in press, available online 5 October 2006.

42. “Optical and structural properties of copper oxide thin films grown by oxidation of metal layers”, G. Papadimitropoulos, N. Vourdas, V. Em. Vamvakas and D. Davazoglou, Thin Solid Films 515 (4), pp. 2428-2432, 2006

43. “Parasitic memory effects in shallow-trench-isolated nanocrystal memory devices”, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, Solid-State Electronics, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 12 December 2006

44. “Proton radiation tolerance of nanocrystal memories”, E. Verrelli, I. Anastassiadis, D. Tsoukalas, M. Kokkoris, R. Vlastou, P. Dimitrakis and P. Normand, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 December 2006

45. “Device degradation behavior and polysilicon film morphology of TFTs fabricated using advanced excimer laser lateral solidification techniques”, D.N. Kouvatsos, A.T. Voutsas, L. Michalas, F. Farmakis and G.J. Papaioannou, accepted to appear (available online) in Thin Solid Films.

46. “An experimental study of the thermally activated processes in polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors”, L. Michalas, M. Exarchos, G.J. Papaioannou, D.N. Kouvatsos and A.T. Voutsas, accepted to appear (available online) in Microelectronics Reliability.


1. "Ultra thin porous anodic alumina films with self-ordered cylindrical vertical pores on a p-type silicon substrate" , M. Kokonou, A. G. Nassiopoulou and K. P. Giannakopoulos, Nanotechnology 16, 103, (2005).

2. "Structural study of very thin anodic alumina films on silicon by anodization in citric acid aqueous solution" , M. Kokonou, A. G. Nassiopoulou, K. G. Giannakopoulos, N. Boukos, A. Travlos, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology v.5, 1-5, 454-458, (2005).

3. "Optical properties of Si quantum wires and dots" , X. Zianni and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Review Paper, Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, edited by Michael Rieth and Wolfram Schommers, American Scientific Publishers, vol. 1 chapter 94, pages 1-37, (2005).

4. "Fractal roughness of polymers after lithographic processing" , V. Constandoudis, E. Gogolides, G. P. Patsis, V. Sarris, A. Tserepi, C. Diakoumakos, E.S. Valamontes, Jpn. J. Appl. Physics Vol.44 (5A), ppL186-189 (2005).

5. "Proton beam micromachining on strippable aqueous base developable negative resist" , I.Rajta E.Baradacs, M.Chatzichristidi, E.S.Valamontes, I.Uzonyi, I.Raptis, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 231, 423 (2005) .

6. "Imprint lithography on poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), (PHEMA), and epoxydised novolac, (EPN) polymers" , F.A.Zacharatos, A.Olziersky, I.Raptis, E.Hristoforou J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 7 1121(2005) .

7. "Polymeric film characterization for use in bimorph chemical sensors" , S. Chatzandroulis, D. Goustouridis, I. Raptis Microelectron. Eng. 78-79 118(2005).

8. "Characterization of Polymer Layers for Silicon Micromachined Bilayer Chemical Sensors Using White Light Interferometry" , D. Goustouridis, K. Manoli, S. Chatzandroulis, M. Sanopoulou, I.Raptis, Sens. Act. B 111-112, 549 (2005) .

9. "Fabrication and characterization of magnetically hard CoPt ordered sub-micron structures" , L. Castaldi, I . Raptis, E. Manios, D. Niarchos, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 7, 1605 (2005) .

10. "Composition effects in polymer blends spin-cast on patterned substrates" , J. Raczkowska, P. Cyganik, A. Budkowski, A. Bernasik, J. Rysz, I. Raptis, P. Czuba, K. Kowalski, Macromolecules (2005).

11. "A Si/SiGe MOSFET utilizing low-temperature wafer bonding" , S. Koliopoulou, P. Dimitrakis, D. Goustouridis, S. Chatzandroulis, P. Normand, D. Tsoukalas and H. Radamson, Microelectronic Engineering 78-79, 244 (2005).

12. "Fabrication of nanocrystal memories by ultra low energy ion implantation" , N. Cherkashin, C. Bonafos, H. Coffin, M. Carrada, S. Schamm, G. Ben Assayag, D. Chassaing, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, M. Perego, M. Fanciulli, T. Muller, K. H. Heinig, Physica Status Solidi (c) 2,1907 (2005).

13. "Size and aerial density distributions of Ge nanocrystals in a SiO2 layer produced by molecular beam epitaxy and rapid thermal processing" , A. Kanjilal, J.L. Hansen, A. Nylandsted Larsen, P. Normand, P. Dimitrakis, D. Tsoukalas, N. Cherkashin, A. Claverie, Applied Physics A 81, 363-366 (2005).

14. "The effect of Generation-Recombination mechanisms on the transient behavior of polycrystalline silicon transistors" , G. J. Papaioannou, A. Voutsas, M. Exarchos and D. Kouvatsos, Thin Solid Films 487 (1-2), 247, September 2005.

15. "Characterization of various insulators for possible use as low-k dielectrics deposited at temperatures below 200 C" , M. Vasilopoulou, A. Douvas, D. Kouvatsos, P. Argitis and D. Davazoglou, Microelectronics Reliability 45 (5-6), 990, May 2005.

16. "Effect of silicon thickness on the degradation mechanisms of sequential-laterally-solidified polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors during hot-carrier stress" , A. T. Voutsas, D.N. Kouvatsos, L. Michalas and G.J. Papaioannou, IEEE Electron Device Letters EDL-26 (3), 181, March 2005.

17. "Monte Carlo Simulations of Ferromagnetism in p-Cd(1-x)Mn(x)Te Quantum Wells" , D. Kechrakos, N. Papanikolaou, K.N. Trohidou, and T. Dietl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 127201 (2005).

18. "Indium oxide as a possible tunnel barrier in spintronic devices" , Androulakis, S. Gardelis, J. Giapintzakis, E. Gagaoudakis, G. Kiriakidis, Thin Solid Films 471, 293 (2005).

19. "Oxidation enhanced diffusion (OED) of boron in very low energy N+2 - implanted silicon" , D. Skarlatos, C. Tsamis, M. Perego, and M. Fanciulli, J. Appl. Phys. 97, 113534 (2005).


1. "Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) acrylate copolymers for microfabrication: properties and formulation of resist materials", E. Tegou, V. Bellas, E. Gogolides and P. Argitis, Microelectronic Engineering, 73/74, 238-243, (2004)

2. "Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) based resists: material design challenges and evaluation at 157 nm", E. Tegou, V. Bellas, E. Gogolides, P. Argitis, D. Eon, G. Catry, C. Cardinaud, Chem. Mater, 16, 2567-77, (2004)

3. "Glass transition temperature monitoring in bilayer and patterned photoresist films", D. Niakoula, I. Raptis, D. Goustouridis, P. Argitis, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 43 (8A), 5247-8, (2004)

4. "Surface segregation of photoresist copolymers containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy", D. Eon, G. Cartry, V. Fernandez, C. Cardinaux, E. Tegou, V. Bellas, P. Argitis, E. Gogolides, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 22, 2526-32, (2004)

5. "Evaluation of poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) imaging chemistries for micropatterning applications", M. Vasilopoulou, S. Boyatzis, I. Raptis, D. Dimotikalli, P. Argitis, J. Mater. Chem., 14, 3312-20, (2004)

6. "Development and molecular-weight issues on the lithographic performance of poly (methyl methacrylate)", A. Olzierski, I. Raptis, Microelectron. Eng. 73-74 244-251 (2004)

7. "Resists for nanolithography", P. Argitis, Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, H. S. Nalwa ed., American Scientific Publishers, (March 2004)

8. "Line Edge Roughness (LER) investigation on chemically amplified resist (CAR) materials with masked helium ion beam lithography", S. Eder-Kapl, H. Loeschner, M. Zeininger, O. Kirch, G. P. Patsis, V. Constantoudis, and E. Gogolides, Microelectronic Engineering, 73-74, 252 (2004)

9. "Photoresist line-edge roughness analysis using scaling concepts", V. Constantoudis, G. P. Patsis, and E. Gogolides, J. Microlithogr. Microfabrication, Microsyst. 3, 429 (2004)

10. "Effects of photoresist polymer molecular weight on line-edge roughness and its metrology probed with Monte Carlo simulations", G.P. Patsis, V. Constantoudis, and E. Gogolides, Microelectronic Engineering 75(3), 297 (2004)

11. "Line edge roughness and critical dimension variation: Fractal characterization and comparison using model functions", V. Constantoudis, G. P. Patsis, L. H. A. Leunissen, and E. Gogolides, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B (22), 1974 (2004), and Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology-Volume 10, Issue 9 (August 30 2004)

12. "Si etching in high-density SF6 plasmas for microfabrication: Surface roughness formation", E. Gogolides, C. Boukouras, G. Kokkoris, O. Brani, A. Tserepi, V. Constantoudis, Microelectronic Engineering 73-74, 312 (2004)

13. "Oxygen plasma modification of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) containing copolymers for micro and nano fabrication", N. Vourdas, V. Bellas, E. Tegou, O. Brani, V. Constantoudis, P. Argitis, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, Plasma Processing of Polymers, pp. 281-292, (2004)

14. "Simulation of SiO2 and Si feature etching for microelectronics and MEMS fabrication: a combined simulator coupling modules of surface etching, local flux calculation, and profile evolution", G. Kokkoris, A. Tserepi, A. G. Boudouvis, and E. Goggolides, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 22, 1896 (2004)

15. "Selective Plasma-induced Deposition of Fluorocarbon Films on Metal Surfaces for actuation in microfluidics", P. Bayiati, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, K. Misiakos, J. Vac. Sci. Technnol. A 22(4), 1546-1551, (July/August 2004)

16. "Nitrogen distribution during oxidation of low and medium energy nitrogen - implanted Silicon", Skarlatos D., Perego M., Tsamis C., Ferrari S., Fanciulli M. and Tsoukalas D., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B 216, p.75-79, (2004)

17. "Oxidation of nitrogen - implanted silicon: Comparison of nitrogen distribution and electrical properties of oxides formed by very low and medium energy N2+ implantation", Skarlatos D., Kapetanakis E., Normand P., Tsamis C., Perego M., Ferrari S., Fanciulli M. and Tsoukalas D., Journal Of Appl. Physics, 96 (1), p. 300-309 (2004)

18. " Comparison of FTIR transmission spectra of thermally and LPCVD grown by TEOS pyrolysis, SiO2 films", Vassilis Em. Vamvakas and D. Davazoglou, Journal of the Electrochemical Society Vol. 151, 93 (2004)

19. "Fabrication of very fine copper lines on silicon substrates patterned with PMMA via selective chemical vapor deposition" D. Davazoglou, I Raptis, A. Gleizes and M. Vasilopoulou Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B Vol. 22, 859 (2004)

20. "Optical properties of SiO2-TiO2 sol-gel thin films" P. Chrysicopoulou, D. Davazoglou, C. Trapalis and G. Kordas Journal of Materials Science 39 (8): 2835-2839 (2004)

21. "Silicon nanocrystals in SiO2 thin layers", Nassiopoulou A. G., Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, edited by H. S. Nalwa, vol. 9 p. 793-813 (2004)

22. "Selective self-alignment of Au nanoparticle-coated K2SO4 microcrystals in micrometer gratings of V-grooves on a silicon substrate", Nassiopoulou A. G., Zoy A., Ioannou-Sougleridis V., Olzierski A., Travlos A., Martinez-Albertos J. L. and Moore B., Nanotechnology 15, 1-5, 352-356, (2004)

23. "Growth of two-dimensional arrays of silicon nanocrystals in thin SiO2 layers by low pressure chemical vapour deposition and high temperature annealing/oxidation. Investigation of their charging properties", Salonidou A., Nassiopoulou A. G., Travlos A., Ioannou-Sougleridis V. and Tsoi E., Nanotechnology 15, 1-7, 1233-1239, (2004)

24. "Transient and ac electrical transport under forward and reverse bias conditions in aluminium/ porous silicon/p-cSi structures", Theodoropoulou M., Karahaliou P. K., Krontiras C. A., Georga S. N., Xanthopoulos N., Tsamis C. and Nassiopoulou A. G., J. Appl. Phys. 96, 12, (2004)

25. "Influence of magnetic field on electromagnetic instabilities in Semiconductor superlattices", Tarkhanyan R. H. and Nassiopoulou A. G., J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 4, 1085, (2004)

26. "Two-dimensional arrays of nanometer scale holes and nano-V-grooves in oxidized Si wafers for the selective growth of Ge dots or Ge/Si hetero-nanocrystals", Olzierski A., Nassiopoulou A. G., Raptis I. and Stoica T., Nanotechnology 15, 1695-1700 (2004)

27. "Transient and ac conductivity of nanocrystalline porous alumina thin films on silicon, with embedded silicon nanocrystals", J. of Applied Physics, 95,5, 2776-2780 (2004)

28. "Nanocrystals manufacturing by ultra-low-energy ion-beam-synthesis for nonvolatile memory applications", P. Normand, E. Kapetanakis, P. Dimitrakis, D. Skarlatos, K. Beltsios, D. Tsoukalas, C. Bonafos, G. Ben Asssayag, N. Cherkashin, A. Claverie, J. A. Van Den Berg, V. Soncini, A. Agarwal, M. Ameen, M. Perego, M. Fanciulli, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B (NIMB) 216, 228-238 (2004)

29. "Silicon nanocrystal memory devices obtained by ultra-low-energy ion-beam-synthesis", P. Dimitrakis, E. Kapetanakis, D. Tsoukalas, D. Skarlatos, C. Bonafos, G. Ben Asssayag, A. Claverie, M. Perego, M. Fanciulli, V. Soncini, R. Sotgiu, A. Agarwal, M. Ameen, P. Normand, Solid State Electronics 48, 1511-1517 (2004)

30. "Manipulation of two-dimensional arrays of Si nanocrystals embedded in thin SiO2 layers by low energy ion implantation", C. Bonafos, M. Carrada, N. Cherkashin, H. Coffin, D. Chassaing, G. Ben Assayag, A. Claverie, T. Muller and K. H. Heinig, M. Perego and M. Fanciulli, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, J. Appl. Phys. 95, 5696-5702 (2004)

31. "Size and aerial density distributions of Ge nanocrystals in a SiO2 layer produced by molecular beam epitaxy and rapid thermal processing", A. Kanjilal, J. Lundsgaard Hansen, P. Gaiduk, A. Nylandsted Larsen, P. Normand, P. Dimitrakis, D. Tsoukalas, N. Cherkashin, A. Claverie, Appl. Phys. A - Mater. Sc. Process. Online (June 2004)

32. "Processing issues in silicon nanocrystal manufacturing by ultra-low-energy ion-beam-synthesis for non-volatile memory applications", P. Normand, P. Dimitrakis, E. Kapetanakis, D. Skarlatos, K. Beltsios, D. Tsoukalas, C. Bonafos, H. Coffin, G. Benassayag, A. Claverie, V. Soncini, A. Agarwal, Ch. Sohl, M. Ameen, Microelectronic Engineering 73-74, 730-735 (2004)

33. "Integration of organic insulator and self-assembled gold nanoparticles on Si MOSFET for non-volatile memory cells", S. Kolliopoulou, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, H-L. Zhang, N. Cant, S. D. Evans, S. Paul, C. Pearson, A. Molloy, M. C. Petty, D. Tsoukalas, Microelectronic Engineering 73-74, 725-729 (2004)

34. "Tunneling and negative resistance effects for composite materials containing polyoxometalate molecules", G. Chaidogiannos, D. Velessiotis, P. Argitis, P. Koutsolelos, C. D. Diakoumakos, D. Tsamakis and N. Glezos, Microel. Eng. 73-74, 746 (2004)

35. "Capacitive Type Chemical Sensors Using Thin Silicon/Polymer Bimorph Membranes", S. Chatzandroulis, E. Tegou, D. Goustouridis, S. Polymenakos, D. Tsoukalas, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 103, Issues 1-2, Pages 392-396, (29 September 2004)

36. "Fabrication of Chemical Sensors based on Si/polymer bimorphs", S. Chatzandroulis, E. Tegou, D. Goustouridis, S. Polymenakos, D. Tsoukalas, Microelectronic Engineering, Volumes 73-74, Pages 847-851 (June 2004)

37. "Characterization of Polymer Layers for Silicon Micromachined Bilayer Chemical Sensors Using White Light Interferometry", D. Goustouridis, K. Manoli, S. Chatzandroulis, M. Sanopoulou, I. Raptis accepted for publication in Sensors and Actuators B

38. "The influence of thermal treatment on the stress characteristics of suspended Porous Silicon membranes on silicon", D. Papadimitriou, C. Tsamis and A. G. Nassiopoulou, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 103, Issues 1-2, Pages 356-361 (2004)

39. "Protein patterning by micromachined silicon embossing on polymer surfaces", Goustouridis D, Misiakos K, Petrou P S, Kakabakos S E, Applied Physics Letters 85 (26): 6418-6420 (December 27 2004)

40. "Selective plasma-induced deposition of fluorocarbon films on metal surfaces for actuation in microfluidics", Bayiati P, Tserepi A, Gogolides E, Misiakos K, Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology A 22 (4): 1546-1551 (Jul-Aug 2004)

41. "Effects of hot carrier and irradiation stresses on advanced excimer laser annealed polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors", Kouvatsos, D. N., Davidovic V., Papaioannou G. J., Stojadinovic N., Michalas L., Exarchos M., Voutsas A. T. and Goustouridis D., Microelectronics Reliability 44 (9-11), 1631, (September 2004)

42. "Low temperature wafer bonding for thin silicon film transfer", D. Goustouridis, K. Minoglou, S. Kolliopoulou, S. Chatzandroulis, P. Morfouli, P.Normand and D. Tsoukalas, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Volume 110, Issues 1-3, 401-406, (February 2004)

43. "A compact non-linear equivalent circuit model and parameter extraction method for packaged high-speed VCSELs", K. Minoglou, E. D. Kyriakis-Bitzaros, D. Syvridis, G. Halkias, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.22, No.12, pp.2823-2827, (December 2004)

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