Project I.2: Lithography and Plasma Processes for Electronics, Microfluidics and Surface Nanoengineering


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Full list of IMEL Publications

Publications in International Journals and Reviews

Microfluidics – Bioapplications

  1. “Evaluation of a microfluidic sensor fabricated on polymeric material”, Petropoulos, A., Kontakis, K., Kaltsas, G., Gogolides, E., (2009) DTIP of MEMS and MOEMS - Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, art. no. 4919510, pp. 398-401.
  2. “A flexible capacitive device for pressure and tactile sensing”, Petropoulos, A., Kaltsas, G., Goustouridis, D., Gogolides, E., (2009) Procedia Chemistry, 1 (1), pp. 867-870.
  3. “High-density protein patterning through selective plasma-induced fluorocarbon deposition on Si substrates”, Bayiati, P., Malainou, A., Matrozos, E., Tserepi, A., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Gogolides, E., (2009) Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24 (10), pp. 2979-2984.
  4. “A novel microfluidic integration technology for PCB-based devices: Application to microflow sensing”, Kontakis, K., Petropoulos, A., Kaltsas, G., Speliotis, T., Gogolides, E., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 1382-1384.
  5. “SAW device integrated with microfluidics for array-type biosensing”, Mitsakakis, K., Tserepi, A., Gizeli, E., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 1416-1418.
  6. “A low temperature surface modification assisted method for bonding plastic substrates”, Vlachopoulou, M.-E., Tserepi, A., Pavli, P., Argitis, P., Sanopoulou, M., Misiakos, K., (2009) Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19 (1), art. no. 015007.

Plasma Nanostructuring, Plasma Processing, Plasma Simulation

  1. “Mechanisms of oxygen plasma nanotexturing of organic polymer surfaces: From stable super hydrophilic to super hydrophobic surfaces”, Tsougeni, K., Vourdas, N., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E., Cardinaud, C., (2009) Langmuir, 25 (19), pp. 11748-11759.
  2. “Effect of surface nanostructuring of PDMS on wetting properties, hydrophobic recovery and protein adsorption”, Vlachopoulou, M.-E., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Tserepi, A., Beltsios, K., Gogolides, E., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 1321-1324.
  3. “Nano-texturing of poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer using plasma processes and applications in wetting control and protein adsorption”, Tsougeni, K., Petrou, P.S., Tserepi, A., Kakabakos, S.E., Gogolides, E., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 1424-1427.
  4. “Nano-textured polymer surfaces with controlled wetting and optical properties using plasma processing”, Vourdas, N.E., Vlachopoulou, M.-E., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E., (2009) International Journal of Nanotechnology, 6 (1-2), pp. 196-207.
  5. “A global model for SF6 plasmas coupling reaction kinetics in the gas phase and on the surface of the reactor walls”, Kokkoris, G., Panagiotopoulos, A., Goodyear, A., Cooke, M., Gogolides, E., (2009) Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42 (5), art. no. 055209.
  6. “Modeling of roughness evolution during the etching of inhomogeneous films: Material-induced anomalous scaling”, Constantoudis, V., Christoyianni, H., Zakka, E., Gogolides, E., (2009) Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 79 (4), art. no. 041604.
  7. “Integrated plasma processing simulation framework, linking tool scale plasma models with 2D feature scale etch simulator”, Hauguth, M., Volland, B.E., Ishchuk, V., Dressler, D., Danz, T., Rangelow, I.W., Kokkoris, G., Gogolides, E., Goodyear, A., Cooke, M., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 976-978.

Lithography and Line Edge Roughness

  1. “Nanoscale roughness effects at the interface of lithography and plasma etching: Modeling of line-edge-roughness transfer during plasma etching”, Kokkoris, G., Constantoudis, V., Gogolides, E., (2009) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 37 (9 SPEC. ISS. PART 1), pp. 1705-1714.
  2. “Noise-free estimation of spatial Line Edge/Width Roughness parameters”, Constantoudis, V., Gogolides, E., (2009) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7272, art. no. 72724B.
  3. “Line Edge Roughness transfer during plasma etching: Modeling approaches and comparison with experimental results”, Constantoudis, V., Kokkoris, G., Xydi, P., Gogolides, E., Pargon, E., Martin, M., (2009) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7273, art. no. 72732J.
  4. “Line-edge-roughness transfer during plasma etching: modeling approaches and comparison with experimental results”, V. Constantoudis, G. Kokkoris, P. Xydi, E. Gogolides, E. Pargon, M. Martin, J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 8, 043004 (2009)
  5. “Modeling of line edge roughness transfer during plasma etching”, Constantoudis, V., Kokkoris, G., Xydi, P., Patsis, G.P., Gogolides, E., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 968-970.
  6. “Advanced lithography models for strict process control in the 32 nm technology node”, Patsis, G.P., Drygiannakis, D., Raptis, I., Gogolides, E., Erdmann, A., (2009) Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (4-6), pp. 513-516.
  7. “Materials for lithography in the nanoscale”, Argitis, P., Niakoula, D., Douvas, A.M., Gogolides, E., Raptis, I., Vidali, V.P., Couladouros, E.A., (2009) International Journal of Nanotechnology, 6 (1-2), pp. 71-87.

Other Collaborative Work

  1. “Cycle-averaged phase-space states for the harmonic and the Morse oscillators, and the corresponding uncertainty relations”, Nicolaides, C.A., Constantoudis, V., (2009) European Journal of Physics, 30 (6), pp. 1277-1294.
  2. “Magnetic properties of Co films and Co/Pt multilayers deposited on PDMS nanostructures”, Markou, A., Beltsios, K.G., Panagiotopoulos, I., Vlachopoulou, M.-E., Tserepi, A., Alexandrakis, V., Bakas, T., Dimopoulos, T., (2009) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321 (17), pp. 2582-2586.

International Conference Presentations

Microfluidics – Bioapplications

  1. “Oxygen Plasma Nanotexturing of PS surfaces for Fabrication of DNA Arrays” (poster), K. Tsougeni, P. Petrou, A. Tserepi, S. Kakabakos, E. Gogolides, NanoBio Europe 2009, 16-18 June, Grenoble, France (2009)
  2. “Plasma-Induced Nanotexturing of Polymers for the Fabrication of Protein and DNA Arrays” (oral), K. Tsougeni, M.E. Vlachopoulou, P. Petrou, S. Kakabakos, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry - ISPC 19, 26-31 July 2009, Bochum, Germany (2009)
  3. “Plasma Etching Technology for Fabrication and Surface Modification of Plastic Microfluidic Devices” (poster), M.-E. Vlachopoulou, K. Tsougeni, K. Kontakis, N.Vourdas, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry - ISPC 19, 26-31 July 2009, Bochum, Germany (2009)
  4. “Protein patterning on plasma-modified PDMS and PMMA surfaces for bioanalytical applications” (poster), M-E. Vlachopoulou, K. Tsougeni, K. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, P. Petrou, S. Kakabakos, MNE 2009, 28 September - 1 October 2009, Ghent, Belgium (2009)
  5. “Pressure drop on water flow in PMMA microfluidics with controllable wetting characteristics” (poster), D. Papageorgiou, K. Tsougeni, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, MNE 2009, 28 September - 1 October 2009, Ghent, Belgium (2009)
  6. “Micro-fabricated TiO2-ZrO2 Affinity Chromatography Micro-Column on PMMA for Phosphopeptide Analysis”, Tsougeni K, Boulousis G,Roumeliotis T, Zorpas K, SpeliotisT, Botsialas A, Raptis I, Tserepi A,Garbis SD, Gogolides E, IMA 2009, 4 - 8 October 2009, Athens, Greece (2009)
  7. “Protein Arrays on SF6 Plasma Nanostructured PDMS Surfaces”, Vlachopoulou M-E, Tserepi A, Gogolides E, Petrou P, Kakabakos S, IMA 2009, 4 - 8 October 2009, Athens, Greece (2009)
  8. “Protein Patterning Through Selective Plasma–Induced Modification of Glass Substrates” (oral), A. Malainou, A. Tserepi, P.S. Petrou, S.E. Kakabakos, E. Gogolides, IMA 2009, 4 - 8 October 2009, Athens, Greece (2009)

Plasma Nanostructuring, Plasma Processing, Plasma Simulation

  1. “A multi-scale computational framework for plasma etching processes: Application to the investigation of surface kinetics on the reactor walls” (oral), G. Kokkoris, A. Goodyear, M. Cooke, E. Gogolides, PESM-Plasma Etch and Strip in Microelectronics 2nd International Workshop, 26-27 February 2009, Leuven, Belgium (2009)
  2. “Plasma-Directed, Organized Nanodot Formation on Polymeric Surfaces” (oral), D. Kontziampasis, N. Vourdas, G. Boulousis, V. Constadoudis, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, NSTI Nanotech 2009, 3-7 May 2009, Houston, Texas (2009)
  3. “Plasma-Directed Organized Nanodot Formation on Polymeric Surfaces” (poster), D. Kontziampasis, E. Gogolides, V. Constantoudis, N. Vourdas, M. Cooke, A. Goodyear, MNE 2009, 28 September - 1 October 2009, Ghent, Belgium (2009)
  4. “Stable superhydrophobic surfaces induced by dual-scale topography on SU-8” (poster), M-E. Vlachopoulou, J.M. Velasco, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, MNE 2009, 28 September - 1 October 2009, Ghent, Belgium (2009)
  5. “Plasma etched nano-pillar arrays on polymer surfaces using colloidal lithography: Dual scale robust super hydrophobic and super hydrophilic wetting behaviour” (poster), K. Ellinas, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, MNE 2009, 28 September - 1 October 2009, Ghent, Belgium (2009)

Lithography and Line Edge Roughness

  1. “Modeling of Line Edge Roughness Transfer during Plasma Etching” (oral), G. Kokkoris, V. Constantoudis, P. Xydi, G. P. Patsis, E.Gogolides, PESM-Plasma Etch and Strip in Microelectronics 2nd International Workshop, 26-27 February 2009, Leuven, Belgium (2009)
  2. “The role of gate width in transistor performance: Effects of sidewall roughness” (poster), V.Constantoudis, G.P.Patsis, E.Gogolides, ESSDERC 2009, 14-18 September 2009, Athens, Greece
  3. “Detailed Resist Film Modelling in Stochastic Lithography Simulation for Line-Edge Roughness Quantification” (oral), G. Patsis, D. Drygiannakis, E. Gogolides, I. Raptis, MNE 2009, 28 September - 1 October 2009, Ghent, Belgium (2009)
  4. “Simulation of Shot Noise effect on CD and LER of Electron Beam Lithography in 32nm Designs” (poster), G. Patsis, N. Tsikrikas, D. Drygiannakis, E. Gogolides, I. Raptis, MNE 2009, 28 September - 1 October 2009, Ghent, Belgium (2009)

Greek Conference Presentation


  1. “The role of gate width in transistor performance: Effects of gate sidewall roughness” (oral), V.Constantoudis, G.P. Patsis, E. Gogolides, XXV Panhellenic Conference: Solid State Physics and Materials Science, 20-23 September 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece
  2. “Plasma-Directed Organized Nanodot Formation on Polymeric Surface” (oral), D. Kontziampasis, N. Vourdas, V. Constantoudis, E. Gogolides, Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies 2009, 13-15 July 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece
  3. “Emergence of periodic structures on treated films at nanoscale: Mechanism and modeling demonstration” (poster), V. Constantoudis, H. Christoyianni, E. Gogolides, Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies 2009, 13-15 July 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece
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