Michael Hatzakis received his BS and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering from New York University in 1964 and 1967, respectively. He had been with IBM Research at Yorktown Heights since 1961, and had been a manager of lithography group with activities on packaging and circuit fabrication as well. He pioneered together with other IBM researchers the development of electron beam lithography, PMMA resist, and the "lift off" process. He holds 18 patents in the field of microfabrication and is author and co-author of many publications in the field. He is an IBM fellow, a member of US Academy of Engineering, of IEEE, Electrochemical Society, AVS, MRS, Eta Kappa Nu, and Tau Beta Pi. Since 1986 he has been the leader for the establishment and recognition of the Institute of Microelectronics at Demokritos. He continued his research in advanced lithography and new resists, and was honoured in 2006 at the MNE conference in Barcelona Spain as a distinguished expert in Micro and Nano Fabrication Technology. (see achievements of Mike Hatzakis). |