Research Output per year:
2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004
Publications in Refereed Journals and Published Conference Proceedings
Invited Talks
Book Chapters
Edition of Conference Proceedings
Conference and Workshop Organization
Teaching and Training Activities
G. Doctoral Dissertations completed in 2012
H. Masters Dissertations completed in 2012
A. Publications in International Refereed Journals and Published Conference Proceedings
- M. Vasilopoulou, A.M. Douvas, D.G. Georgiadou, L.C. Palilis, S. Kennou, L. Sygellou, A. Soultati, I. Kostis, G. Papadimitropoulos, D. Davazoglou and P. Argitis
The influence of hydrogenation and oxygen vacancies on molybdenum oxides work function and gap states for application in organic optoelectronics
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 16178-16187 (2012)
- M. Vasilopoulou, L.C. Palilis, D. G. Georgiadou, S. Kennou, I. Kostis, D. Davazoglou, P. Argitis
Barrierless hole injection through sub-bandgap occupied states in OLEDs using substoichiomeric MoOx anode interfacial layer,
Appl. Phys. Letters, 100, 013311, (2012)
- M. Vasilopoulou, D.G. Georgiadou, L.C. Palilis, P. Argitis, S. Kennou, L. Sygellou, N. Konofaos, A. Iliadis, I. Kostis, G. Papadimitropoulos, D. Davazoglou
Reduced Transition Metal Oxides as Electron Injection Layers in Hybrid-PLEDs,
Microelectron. Eng., 90, 59-61, (2012)
- M. Vasilopoulou, G. Papadimitropoulos, L.C. Palilis, D. G. Georgiadou, P. Argitis, S. Kennou, I. Kostis, N. Vourdas, N.A. Stathopoulos, D. Davazoglou
High performance organic light emitting diodes using substoichiometric tungsten oxide as efficient hole injection layer,
Organic Electronics, 13, 796-806, (2012)
- M. Vasilopoulou, A.M. Douvas, P. Argitis
Patternable Fluorinate Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsequioxane-Functionalized polymer materials with ultra low dielectric constants
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 135, 880-83, (2012)
- D. Velessiotis, A.M. Douvas, P. Dimitrakis, P. Argitis, N. Glezos
Conduction mechanisms in tungsten-polyoxometalate self-assembled molecular junction
Microelectronic Engineering, 97, 150-53, (2012)
- D. G. Georgiadou, L. C. Palilis, M. Vasilopoulou , G. Pistolis , D. Dimotikali and P. Argitis
Effect of triphenylsulfonium triflate addition in wide band-gap polymer light-emitting diodes: improved charge injection, transport and electroplex-induced emission tuning
RSC Adv., 2 (31) , pp. 11786-11792, (2012)
- Vourdas N., Papadimitropoulos G., Kostis I., Vasilopoulou M., Davazoglou, D.
Substoichiometric hot-wire WOx films deposited in reducing environment
Thin Solid Films, 520, 3614, (2012)
- Vourdas N.
, Dalamagkidis K., Kostis I., Vasilopoulou M., Davazoglou, D
Omnidirectional antireflective properties of porous tungsten oxide films with in-depth variation of void fraction and stoichiometry Optics Communications, 285, 5229-5234, (2012)
- Kontziampasis, D., Constantoudis, V., Gogolides, E.
Plasma directed organization of nanodots on polymers: Effects of polymer type and etching time on morphology and order
Plasma Processes and Polymers, 9 (9), pp. 866-872 (2012)
- Vijaya-Kumar, M.K., Constantoudis, V., Gogolides, E., Pret, A.V., Gronheid, R.
Contact edge roughness metrology in nanostructures: Frequency analysis and variations
Microelectronic Engineering, 90, pp. 126-130. (2012)
- Constantoudis, V., Patsis, G.P., Gogolides, E.
Fractals and device performance variability: The key role of roughness in micro and nanofabrication
Microelectronic Engineering, 90, pp. 121-125(2012)
- Kokkoris, G., Gogolides, E.,
The potential of ion-driven etching with simultaneous deposition of impurities for inducing periodic dots on surfaces
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45 (16), 165204(2012)
- N. Cheimarios, G. Kokkoris and A. G. Boudouvis,
Multiscale computational analysis of the interaction between the wafer micro-topography and the film growth regimes in chemical vapor deposition processes
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 1 P197-P203 (2012)
- Karlis, A.K., Diakonos, F.K., Constantoudis, V.,
A consistent approach for the treatment of Fermi acceleration in time-dependent billiards
Chaos, 22 (2), 026120 (2012)
- Papachristou, P.K., Katifori, E., Diakonos, F.K., Constantoudis, V., Mavrommatis, E.,
Quantum versus classical dynamics in a driven barrier: The role of kinematic effects
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 86 (3), art. no. 036213 (2012)
- Kalimeri, M., Constantoudis, V., Papadimitriou, C., Karamanos, K., Diakonos, F.K., Papageorgiou, H.
Entropy analysis of word-length series of natural language texts: Effects of text language and genre
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 22 (9), art. no. 1250223 (2012)
- Skarmoutsou, A., Charitidis, C.A., Gnanappa, A.K., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E.
Nanomechanical and nanotribological properties of plasma nanotexturedsuperhydrophilic and superhydrophobic polymeric surfaces
Nanotechnology, 23 (50), art. no. 505711(2012)
- Gnanappa A.K., Papageorgiou D.P., Gogolides E., Tserepi A., Papathanasiou A.G., Boudouvis A.G.
Hierarchical, plasma nanotextured, robust superamphiphobic polymeric surfaces structurally stabilized through a wetting-drying cycle
Plasma Processes and Polymers, 9 (3), pp. 304-315(2012)
- Papageorgiou, D.P., Tserepi, A., Boudouvis, A.G., Papathanasiou, A.G.
Superior performance of multilayered fluoropolymer films in low voltage electrowetting
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 368 (1), pp. 592-598(2012)
- Rudin, T., Tsougeni, K., Gogolides, E., Pratsinis, S.E.
Flame aerosol deposition of TiO2 nanoparticle films on polymers and polymeric microfluidic devices for on-chip phosphopeptide enrichment
Microelectronic Engineering, 97, pp. 341-344 (2012)
- Tsougeni, K., Koukouvinos, G., Petrou, P.S., Tserepi, A., Kakabakos, S.E., Gogolides, E.
High-capacity and high-intensity DNA microarray spots using oxygen-plasma nanotextured polystyrene slides
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 403 (9), pp. 2757-2764 (2012)
- Malainou, A., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Gogolides, E., Tserepi, A.
Creating highly dense and uniform protein and DNA microarrays through photolithography and plasma modification of glass substrates
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 34 (1), pp. 273-281 (2012)
- Tsougeni, K., Petrou, P.S., Papageorgiou, D.P., Kakabakos, S.E., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E.
Controlled protein adsorption on microfluidic channels with engineered roughness and wettability
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 161 (1), pp. 216-222 (2012)
- Moschou, D.C., Vourdas, N., Davazoglou, D., Kouvatsos, D.N., Vamvakas, V. Emm., Voutsas, A.T.,
On the optical properties of SLS ELA polycrystalline silicon films
Microelectr. Eng. 90, 69 (2012)
- Papadimitropoulos G., Kostis I., Triantafyllopoulou R., Tsouti V., Vasilopoulou M., Davazoglou, D.,
Investigation of porous hot-wire WO3 thin films for gas sensing application
Microelectr. Eng. 90, 51 (2012)
- Kostis I., Michalas L., Vasilopoulou M., Konofaos N., Papaioannou G., Iliadis A. A., Kennou S., Giannakopoulos K., Papadimitropoulos G., Davazoglou D.
Hot-wire substoichiometric tungsten oxide films deposited in hydrogen environment with n-type conductivity
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 45, Article No 445101 (2012)
- Hourdakis, E. and Nassiopoulou, A.G.
High performance MIM capacitor using anodic alumina dielectric
Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 90, pp. 12-14 (2012)
- E. Hourdakis, P. Sarafis and A. G. Nassiopoulou
Novel Air Flow Meter for an Automobile Engine Using a Si Sensor with Porous Si Thermal Isolation
Sensors vol. 12 (11), pp. 14838-14850 (2012)
- Hourdakis, E. and Nassiopoulou, A.G.
Two-Terminal Charge-Trapping WORM Memory Device Using Anodic Aluminum Oxide
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. vol. 12 (10), pp. 7968-7974 (2012)
- S. Gardelis, A. G. Nassiopoulou, P. Manousiadis, S. Milita, A. Gkanatsiou, N. Frangis, Ch. B. Lioutas
Structural and optical characterization of two-dimensional arrays of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 for photovoltaic applications
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (8), 083536 (2012)
- P. Manousiadis, S. Gardelis, and A. G. Nassiopoulou
Lateral electrical transport and photocurrent in single and multilayers of two-dimensional arrays of Si nanocrystals
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (4), 043704 (2012)
- N. Nikolaou, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, V Ioannou-Sougleridis, K. Giannakopoulos, K. Mergia, K. Kukli, J. Niinistö, M. Ritala, M. Leskelä
Influence of atomic layer deposition chemistry on high-k dielectrics for charge trapping memories
Solid-State Electronics 68, 38-47 (2012)
- R. Diaz, J. Grisolia, G. BenAssayag, S. Schamm-Chardon, C. Castro, B. Pecassou, P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand
Extraction of the characteristics of Si nanocrystals by the charge pumping technique
Nanotechnology 23 (8), Issue 8, AN 085206 (2012)
- C. Bonafos, M. Carrada, G. Benassayag, S. Schamm-Chardon, J. Groenen, V. Paillard, B. Pecassou, A. Claverie, P. Dimitrakis, E. Kapetanakis, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, P. Normand, B. Sahu, A. Slaoui
Si and Ge nanocrystals for future memory devices (Review)
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 15, 615-626 (2012)
- R. Diaz, C. Suarez, A. Arbouet, R. Marty, V. Paillard, F. Gloux, C. Bonafos, S. Schamm-Chardon, J. Grisolia, P. Normand, P. Dimitrakis, G. Benassayag
Implantation energy effect on photoluminescence spectroscopy of Si nanocrystals locally fabricated by stencil-masked ultra-low-energy ion-beam-synthesis in silica
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 272, 53-56 (2012)
- M. Botzakaki, A. Kerasidou, L. Sygellou, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, N. Xanthopoulos, S. Kennou, S. Ladas, N.Z. Vouroutzis, Th. Speliotis, D. Skarlatos
Interfacial properties of ALD-deposited Al2O3/p-type germanium MOS structures: Influence of oxidized Ge interfacial layer dependent on Al2O3 thickness
ECS Solid State Letters 1, P32-P34 (2012)
- E. Almpanis, N. Papanikolaou, B. Auguié, C. Tserkezis, and N. Stefanou
Diffractive chains of plasmonic nanolenses: combining near-field focusing and collective enhancement mechanisms
Opt. Lett. 37, 4624 (2012)
- Almpanis, E., Papanikolaou N., Gantzounis, G. and Stefanou N.
Tuning the spontaneous light emission in phoxonic cavities
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 29, pp. 2567-2574 (2012)
- Christofi, A., Stefanou, N., Gantzounis, G., and Papanikolaou, N.
Giant Optical Activity of Helical Architectures of Plasmonic Nanorods
J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (31), 16674−16679 (2012)
- Ch.Kokkinos, A.Economou, I.Raptis
Microfabricated disposable lab-on-a-chip sensors with integrated bismuth microelectrode arrays for voltammetric determination of trace metals
Anal. Chem. Acta 710 1(2012)
- K.Manoli, P.Oikonomou, E.Valamontes, I.Raptis, M.Sanopoulou
Polymer-BaTiO3 Composites: Dielectric constant and vapour sensing properties in chemcapacitor applications
J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 125 2577(2012)
- P.Oikonomou, A.Botsialas, D.Goustouridis, E.Valamontes, M.Sanopoulou, I.Raptis
Compensation of Temperature Variations in Chemcapacitive Gas Sensing Systems
Sensor Lett. 10 736(2012)
- P.Oikonomou, A.Botsialas, K.Manoli, D.Goustouridis, E.Valamontes, M.Sanopoulou, I.Raptis, G.P.Patsis
Chemocapacitor performance modeling by means of polymer swelling optical measurements
Sens. Act. B 171-172 409(2012)
- V.Tsouti & S.Chatzandroulis
Sensitivity Study of Surface Stress Biosensors Based on Ultra-thin Si Membranes
Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 90, pp. 29-32 (2012)
- V.Tsouti, C.Boutopoulos, M.Ioannou, D.Goustouridis, D.Kafetzopoulos, I.Zergioti, D.Tsoukalas, P.Normand, S.Chatzandroulis
Evaluation of Capacitive Surface Stress BioSensors
Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 90, pp. 37-39 (2012)
- Capacitive Microsystems for Biological Sensing,
V. Tsouti, C. Boutopoulos, I. Zergioti, S. Chatzandroulis
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 27 (1), pp. 1-11 (2012)
- Ramfos, S. Chatzandroulis
A 16-channel capacitance-to-period converter for capacitive sensor applications
Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal
Processing, Vol. 71, issue 3, pp 383-389, DOI: 10.1007/s10470-011-9738-y (June 2012)
- V. Tsouti, M.K. Filippidou, C. Boutopoulos, P. Broutas, I. Zergioti, S. Chatzandroulis
Self-Aligned Process for the Development of Surface Stress Capacitive Biosensor Arrays
Sens. Act. B , Vol. 166–167, pp. 815-818 (2012)
- G. Tsekenis, M. Chatzipetrou, J. Tanner, S. Chatzandroulis, D. Thanos, D. Tsoukalas, I. Zergioti
Surface functionalization studies and direct laser printing of oligonucleotides towards the fabrication of a micromembrane DNA capacitive biosensor
Sens. Act. B, vol. 175, pp. 123–131 (2012)
- K.Awsiuk, A.Bernasik, M.Kitsara, A.Budkowski, P.Petrou, S.Kakabakos, S.Prauzner-Bechcicki, J.Rysz, I.Raptis
Spectroscopic and microscopic characterization of biosensor surfaces with protein/amino-organosilane/silicon structure
Colloids Surf. B 90 159 (2012)
- Moschou, D.C., F.V. Farmakis, D.N. Kouvatsos and A.T. Voutsas,
Vg,max - Vth: A new electrical characterization parameter reflecting the polysilicon film quality of LTPS TFTs
Microelectronic Engineering 90, 76, (February 2012)
- Michalas, L., M. Koutsoureli, G.J. Papaioannou, D.N. Kouvatsos and A.T. Voutsas
Hydrogen passivation on sequential lateral solidified poly-Si TFTs
Microelectronic Engineering 90, 72, (February 2012)
- H. Contopanagos, P. Broutas and S. Chatzandroulis
Embedded multi-slotted PIFAs for remotely powered passive UHF RFID tags
Microwave and Opt. Tech. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 10, pp. 2379-2383 (October 2012)
- P. Broutas, H. Contopanagos, D. Tsoukalas and S. Chatzandroulis
A RF power harvester with integrated antenna capable of operating near ground planes
Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 186, pp. 284-288(October 2012)
- P. Broutas, H. Contopanagos, E. Kyriakis-Bitzaros, D. Tsoukalas and S. Chatzandroulis
A low-power RF harvester for a smart passive sensor tag with integrated antenna
Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 176, pp. 34-45(April 2012)
- C. Kyriazidou, H. Contopanagos and N. Alexopoulos
Space-Frequency projection of Planar AMCs on integrated antennas for 60 GHz radios
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 1899-1909 (April 2012)
- Lasse E. P. Kyllönen, Viswanathan Chinuswamy, Davide Maffeo, Evangelos T. Kefalas, Zoe
Pikramenou, Irene M. Mavridis, Konstantina Yannakopoulou, Nikos Glezos
Electronic transport between Au surface and STM tip via a multipodal cyclodextrin host - metallo-guest supramolecular system
J.Phys.Org.Chem., 25(3) , pp.198-206, (2012)
- Kaloudi-Chantzea, A., Karakostas, N., Pitterl, F., Raptopoulou, C.P., Glezos, N., Pistolis, G.
Efficient supramolecular synthesis of a robust circular light-harvesting Bodipy-dye based array
Chemical Communications, Volume 48, Issue 100, 28, Pages 12213-12215 (December 2012)
- Papanikolaou, N., Psarobas, I.E., Stefanou, N., Djafari-Rouhani, B., Bonello, B., Laude, V.
Light modulation in phoxonic nanocavities
Microelectronic Engineering, 90, pp. 155-158 (2012)
- A.C.Cefalas, E.Sarantopoulou, S.Kolia, M.Kitsara, I.Raptis, E.Bakalis
Entropic nanothermodynamic potential from molecular trapping within photon induced nano-voids in photon processed PDMS layer
Soft Matter 8 5561(2012)
- S. C. Boyatzis, A. M. Douvas, V. Argyropoulos, A. Siatou, M. Vlachopoulou
Characterization of a water-dispersible metal protective coating with fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, modulated scanning calorimetry, and ellipsometry
Applied Spectroscopy 66(5), 580-590 (2012)
- Škoro, N., Gogolides, E.
Characterization of hydrogen based RF plasmas suitable for removal of carbon layers
Proceedings of 26thSPIG, Zrenjanin, Serbia, pp. 231 (August 27-31, 2012)
- Kokkoris, G., Constantoudis, V., Gogolides, E.
3d modeling of LER transfer from the resist to the underlying substrate: The effect of the resist roughness
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8328, 83280V(2012)
- Kuppuswamy, V.-K.M., Constantoudis, V., Gogolides, E., VaglioPret, A., Gronhei, R.
Contact edge roughness and CD uniformity in EUV: Effect of photo acid generator and sensitizer
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8322, art. no. 832207 (2012)
- Constantoudis, V., MurugesanKuppuswamy, V.K., Gogolides, E.,
Noise effects on contact edge roughness and CD uniformity measurement
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8324, art. no. 83240K. (2012)
- K. Ellinas, K. Tsougeni, M. Vlachopoulou A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides
Hierarchical, Plasma Nanotextured, Superamphiphobic Polymeric Surfaces
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering(2012)
- Stathopoulos, V., Papandreou, A., Vourdas, N., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E.
Development and characterisation of superhydrophobic α-alumina ceramic membranes with plasma surface nanotexturing
Proceedings of Spring EMRS 2012 Meeting, Strasbourg, France(May 14-18, 2012)
- N. Vourdas, D. Moschou, G. Kokkoris, G. Papadakis, S. Chatzandroulis, A. Tserepi
Development of a continuous-flow μPCR device with microheatingelementsintegrated with biosensors towards a LoC system for disease diagnosis
Proceedings of 3rd European Microfluidics Conference, paper no. 128(2012)
- K. Tsougeni, K. Ellinas, A. Glynou, T. Christoforidis, D.S. Mathioulakis, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides
Flow study in randomly-rough superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic plasma nanotexturedmicrochannels using micro-PIV
Proceedings of 3rd European Microfluidics Conference, paper no. 132(2012)
- K. Ellinas, K. Tsougeni, P.S. Petrou, D.P. Papageorgiou, S.E. Kakabakos, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides
Control of flow and protein adsorption on plasma nanotextured microfluidics
Proceedings of 3rd European Microfluidics Conference, paper no. 133(2012)
- E. Demenev, D. Giubertoni, S. Gennaro, M. Bersani, E. Hourdakis, A. G. Nassiopoulou, M. A.
Reading and J. A. van den Berg
Arsenic Redistribution After Solid Phase Epitaxial Regrowth Of Shallow Pre-Amorphized Silicon Layers
AIP Conf. Proc. 1496, 272 (2012)
- P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, C. Bonafos, E. Papadomanolaki, E. Iliopoulos
GaN quantum dots as charge storage elements for memory devices
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 1430, 29-34 (2012)
- D. Simatos, P. Dimitrakis, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, P. Normand, K. Giannakopoulos, B. Pecassou, G. BenAssayag
SONOS memory devices with ion beam modified nitride layers
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 1430, 35-40 (2012)
- E. Verrelli, D. Tsoukalas, P. Normand, N. Boukos, A.H. Kean
Resistive switching memory using titanium-oxide nanoparticle films
Proceedings of the European Solid-State Device Research Conference 2012, Article number 6343382, 258-261 (2012)
- Christofi, A., Stefanou, N., Gantzounis, G., and Papanikolaou, N.
Helical assemblies of plasmonic nanorods as chiral metamaterials
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8423, 84230A (2012)
- Papanikolaou, N., Gantzounis, G., Almpanis, E., Stefanou N.
Acousto-optic interaction enhancement in dual photonic-phononic cavities
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8425, 84250M (2012)
- E.Valamontes, G.Patsis, D.Goustouridis, P.Oikonomou, A.Botsialas, I.Raptis, M. Sanopoulou
Real time detection of volatile organic compounds through a chemocapacitor system
IMCS 2012 (Nuremberg, Germany, 05/2012)
- M.-I.Georgaki, A.Botsialas, P.Argitis, M.Chatzichristidi, J.Rysz, A.Budkowski, I.Raptis
Zero-Power humidity sensor based on 1-D photonic crystal colour change
EuroPtrode 2012 (Barcelona, Spain, 04/2012)
- D.C. Moschou, N.A. Hastas, A. Tsormpatzoglou, D.N. Kouvatsos, C.A. Dimitriadis, and A.T. Voutsas
Short channel effects on LTPS TFT degradation
Proceedings of the 8th International TFT Conference (ITC 2012), Lisbon, Portugal, (January 2012)
- H. Contopanagos, C. Kyriazidou, F. De Flaviis and N. Alexopoulos
Planar Spiral AMCs integrated on 60 GHz Antennas
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Intl. Symposium Digest, Chicago, IL, USA, pp.1-2 (8-14 July 2012)
- D. Velessiotis, A. M. Douvas, P. Dimitrakis, P. Argitis, N. Glezos
On the Electrical Behavior of Planar Tungsten Polyoxometalate Self-Assembled Mono- and Bi-Layer Junctions
Frontiers in Electronic Materials (FEM 2012), June 17 to 20, Aachen, Germany (2012)
- A.Balliou, A.Douvas , D.Velessiotis, V.Ioannou-Sougleridis, P.Normand, P.Argitis, N.Glezos,
Charging Effects and Electron Transport Phenomena associated with the redox properties of self-assembled Polyoxometalate Molecules
Frontiers in Electronic Materials (FEM 2012), June 17 to 20, Aachen, Germany (2012)
- Study of the transport mechanisms and charging effects in nanodevices based on inorganic polyoxometalate molecules,
38th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2012), September 16 to 20, Toulouse, France(2012)
- D. Velessiotis, A. M. Douvas, P. Dimitrakis, P. Argitis, N. Glezos
Electronic Conduction Mechanisms in Polyoxometalate Seld-Assembled Planar Molecular Junctions
Materials Today Virtual Conference: Nanotechnology, December 11-13, http://www.materialstoday. com/virtualconference/materials-today-virtual-conference-nanotechnology (2012)
- D.C. Moschou, D.N. Kouvatsos and A.T.Voutsas
Short channel effects in double gate polycrystalline silicon SLS ELA TFTs
Proceedings of the 28th International IEEE Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2012), Nis, Serbia, (May 2012)
- N. Hastas, A. Tsormpatzoglou, D.N. Kouvatsos, D.C. Moschou, A.T. Voutsas and C.A. Dimitriadis
Trap properties of asymmetrical double gate polysilicon thin-film transistors with low frequency noise in terms of the grain boundaries direction
Proceedings of the 28th International IEEE Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2012), Nis, Serbia, May 2012
- I.Raptis, P.Petrou, E.Makarona, A.Botsialas, A.Psarouli, S. Kakabakos, G.Jobst, R.Stoffer, M.Hoekman, M.Sopanen, K.Tukkiniemi, K.Misiakos
All-Si optoelectronic lab-on-a-chip for label-free multi-analyte biosensing
EuroPtrode 2012 (Barcelona, Spain, 04/2012)
- P.Petrou, A.Gerardino, I.Raptis, Th.Speliotis, S.Kakabakos, N.Papanikolaou
Nano-patterned gold sirfaces for fluorescence enhancement in biosensing
EuroPtrode 2012 (Barcelona, Spain, 04/2012)
- E. Agocs, P. Petrik, M. Fried, A. G. NassiopoulouOptical characterization using ellipsometry of Si nanocrystal thin layers embedded in silicon oxide
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1321 , pp. 367-372, (2012)
- D. Moschou, N. Vourdas, G. Kokkoris, G. Tsekenis, V. Tsouti, I. Zergioti, A. Tserepi, S. Chatzandroulis
- Fabrication of a label-free micromechanical capacitive biosensor and integration with μPCR towards a LoC for disease diagnosis
Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS)
- X.Zianni
The effect of the modulation shape in the ballistic thermal conductance of modulated nanowires
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 193 53 (2012)
- Κ.Termentzidis, T. Barreteau, Y. Ni, H Huedro, A-L Delaye, X. Zianni, Y. Chalopin, P. Chantrenne and S. Volz
Therml conductivity and Kapitza resistance of diameter modulated SiC nanowires, a molecular dynamics study
Journal f Physics: Conference Series 395 012107 (2012)
- X.Zianni and P.Chantrenne
Thermal conductivity of diameter-modulated nanowires within a frequency-dependent model for the phonon boundary scattering
Journal of Electronic Materials, DOI: 10.1007/s11664-012-2304-2
- N.Neophytou, X.Zianni, M. Ferri, A. Roncaglia, G.F. Cerofolini, and D. Narducci
Nanograin effects on the thermoelectric properties of poly-Si nanowires
Journal of Electronic Materials, DOI: 10.1007/s11664-012-2424-8
- K Termentzidis,T Barreteau, Y Ni, H Huedro, A-L Delaye, X Zianni, Y Chalopin, P Chantrenne and S Volz
Thermal conductivity and Kapitza resistance of diameter modulated SiC nanowires, a molecular dynamics study
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 395, 012107 (2012).
to top 
B. Invited Talks
- P. Argitis, M. Vasilopoulou, A.M. Douvas, D.G. Georgiadou, A. Soultati, I. Kostis, G. Papadimitropoulos, D. Davazoglou, S. Kennou, L. Sygellou, L.C. Palilis
Control of Charge Injection/Extraction Barriers in Organic Optoelectronic Devices,
28th Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics & Materials Science, Sept. 2012, Patras, Greece
- P. Argitis
Electron/Hole Extraction Layers in Organic Photovoltaics
Workshop on Biomimetic Utilization of Solar Energy, University of Crete, Department of Chemistry, October 2012, Iraklion, Crete, Greece
- P. Argitis
RTD Activities in the field of Organic Electronics atNCSRDemokritos,
Organic Electronics Meeting, 19 November 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
- P. Argitis
Approaches for improved charge injection/extraction in organic optoelectronic devices,
Workshop on Molecular/Organic Electronics, Technical University of Cyprus, December 2012, Limassol, Cyprus
- V. Constantoudis, V.K. Murugesan Kuppuswamy, N. Karasmani, G. Giannakopoulos, E. Gogolides Morphological characterization of nanostructures through the analysis of SEM images
9th Internat.Confer, on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN) July 3-6, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
- A. Smyrnakis, A. Zeniou, E. Almpanis, N. Papanikolaou, P. Dimitrakis, E. Gogolides
High aspect ratio, plasma etched silicon nanowires for photovoltaic application: Fabrication and characterization
XI International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2012) August 26-31, 2012, Rhodes, Greece
- V. Constantoudis, V.K. Murugesan Kuppuswamy, N. Karasmani, G. Giannakopoulos, E. Gogolides
Morphological characterization of nanostructures through the analysis of SEM and AFM images
38th International Micro & Nano Engineering Conference (MNE), Sept. 16-20, 2012, Toulouse, France
- E. Gogolides, K. Tsougeni, K. Ellinas, A. Tserepi, P. Petrou, S. Kakabakos
Autonomous, plasma Nanotextured smart microfluidics, and Lab on a Chip systems for chemical and biological analysis
5th International Conference on Micro-Nanoelectronics, Nanotechnologies and MEMS, 7-10 October 2012, Kokkini Hani, Heraklion, Greece
- A. G. Nassiopoulou
Porous Si substrate technology for RF passives integration,
Workshop on Nanoelectronic Materials and Devices, organized by Micro&Nano, Athens, 17 Dec. 2012
- A. G. Nassiopoulou
High performance RF passive devices in CMOS technology on a local porous Si substrate,
Workshop on Recent Developments in Nanoelectronics, Thessaloniki, 3 June, 2012
- A. G. Nassiopoulou
Nanostructured Si in the “More than Moore” Nanoelectronics field,
XI International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, 26-31 August 2012, Rhodes Greece
- P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, C. Bonafos, G. BenAssayag, E. Iliopoulos
Quantum-dots for memory applications,
E-MRS 2012 Fall Meeting, Symposium H, September 17-21, Warsaw, Poland
- P. Dimitrakis, P. Normand, V. Ioannou-Sougleridis, G. BenAssayag, C.Bonafos
Group IV Semiconductor Quantum-dot Non-volatile Memories,
MRS 2012 Fall Meeting, Symposium DD, November 25-30, Boston, USA.
- I. Raptis, E.Makarona, A.Botsialas, K.Misiakos, P.Petrou, A.Psarouli, S.Kakabakos, G.Jobst,
M.Hoekman, R.Heideman, H.Leewuis, R.Stoffer, M.Sopanen, K.Tukkiniemi
All-Silicon Optoelectronic Lab-On-a-Chip For Label-Free Multi-Analyte Biosensing: The PYTHIA Aproach,
IC-MAST 2012, Budapest, Hungary, May 2012
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Book Chapters
- Raptis I. , G.P. Patsis Chapter
Simulation of Electron Beam Exposure and Resist Processing for Nano-Patterning
Nanofabrication Techniques and Principles Editors: M, Stepanova, S. Dew Springer 2012
- X.Zianni
The effect of the modulation shape in the ballistic thermal conductance of modulated nanowires Journal of Solid State Chemistry 193 53 (2012)
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Edition of Conference Proceedings
- Y. Fujisaki, P. Dimitrakis, E. Tokumitsu, M.N. Kozicki
Materials and Physics of Emerging Nonvolatile Memories,
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1440, Cambridge, 2012
- C. Tsamis & G. Kaltsas
Special Issue: 25th Anniversary Eurosensors XXV, Sensors & Actuators: Physical, Eds.(2012)
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E. Conference and Workshop Organization
- Symposium Chairpersons and Proceedings Editors: Y. Fujisaki, P. Dimitrakis, E. Tokumitsu, M.N. Kozicki
Materials and Physics of Emerging Nonvolatile Memories,
Symposium E, MRS Spring Meeting 2012, 9-13 April, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Workshop Chairpersons: A. G. Nassiopoulou and F. Balestra.
Novel materials, devices and technologies for high performance on-chip RF applications
organized within ESSDERC/ESCIRC 2012, Bordeaux, France, September 2012.
- Chairpersons: A. G. Nassiopoulou and V. Grabinski
Tutorial on "EU project NANOTEC on Ecosystems Technology & Design for Nanoelectronics: an experience in Europe"
organized within ESSDERC/ESCIRC 2012, Bordeaux, France, September 2012.
to top 
F. Teaching and Training Activities
- A.Tserepi
Micro & Nanofluidics: Technology and Applications
Summer School “Nanomaterials and Devices”, University of Patras, July 12, 2012
- E. Gogolides, D. Davazoglou, A. Nassiopoulou
- Microelectronics and Microsystems fabrication processes,
Postgraduate Programs on Microsystems and Nanodevices of the National Technical University of Athens and Micro and Nano Electronics of the National and Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens
- E. Gogolides, G. Kokkoris, V. Constantoudis, A. Tserepi
Plasma Processing for Micro and Nano Fabrication,
Postgraduate Program on Microelectronics of the National and Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens
- D. Mathioulakis, I. Anagnostopoulos, A. Tserepi, G. Kokkoris
Microfluidic systems
Postgraduate Program on Microsystems and Nanodevices of the National Technical University of Athens
- E. Gogolides, G. Kokkoris, V. Constantoudis, A. Tserepi
Postgraduate Program on Mathematical Modelling in Modern Technologies and Financial Engineering of the NationalTechnicalUniversity of Athens
- V. Constantoudis
Fractal geometry and its applications in microelectronics
Demokritos Summer School, 05-16 July 2010
- G. Kokkoris
Process and device simulation
Postgraduate Program on Microelectronics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- E. Gogolides
Plasma etching for microelectronics, MEMS, Lab-on-Chip fabrication and nanotechnology,
Short Course, 18th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes (CIP 2011), 4-8 July 2011, Nantes, France
- A. G. Nassiopoulou and E. Hourdakis
Lectures on “Silicon processing for Nanoelectronics” within:
- the MSc program on Microelectronics organized by the Department of Informatics of the University of Athens, in cooperation with the Department of Microelectronics of NCSR Demokritos and
- the MSc program on “Microsystems and Nanoelectronics” organized by the National Technical University of Athens with the participation of the Department of Microelectronics of NCSR Demokritos
- S. Gardelis
Lectures on “Micromechanics and Sensors”, by the within the MSc program organized by the: Department of Informatics, University of Athens, in cooperation with the Department of Microelectronics of NCSR Demokritos
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G. Doctoral Dissertations completed in 2012
- Theodoros Manouras
Lithographic Materials Based on Photoinduced Cleavage of Polyacetals Backbone,
University of Athens, Department of Chemistry, June 2012
- Pagona Pavli
Photochemical Modifications of Thin Polymeric Films for Nanobiotechnology Applications,
National Technical University of Athens, Department of Chemical Engineering, October 2012
- Dimitra G. Georgiadou
Modification of Optoelectronic Characteristics in Organic Light Emitting Devices by Using Sulfonium Salts,
National Technical University of Athens, Department of Chemical Engineering, December 2012
- Vijayakumar Murugesan Kuppuswamy
Contact edge roughness in EUV lithography: Metrology and process evaluation,
National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering, Athens, Thesis Research Supervisor at NCSR Demokritos: Dr. E. Gogolides, Dr V. Constantoudis, Thesis Supervisor at NTUA: Prof. A. Boudouvis
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H. Masters Dissertations completed in 2012
- Anastasia Soultati
High performance organic photovoltaic devices using transition metal oxides as hole injection/extraction layers,
University of Athens, Department of Informatics and Telecomunications, February 2012 Supervisors: M. Vasilopoulou, P. Argitis
- Sofia Tzanni
Binding of photodegradable polymers on surfaces,
University of Athens, Department of Chemistry, October 2012
Supervisors: M. Chatzichristidi, P. Argitis
- Elias Kouris
Mathematical modeling of a continuous flow microfluidic device for DNA amplification by Polymerase Chain Reaction,
MSc Thesis held at IMEL/NCSR Demokritos (Supervisors: G. Kokkoris, A. Tserepi),
Defended at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Physics Department 2012
- Angelos Zeniou
Nanopillars and vertical silicon nanowires fabrication using silicon plasma etching processes in room temperature,
MSc Thesis held at IMEL/NCSR Demokritos (Supervisor: E. Gogolides)
Defended at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications 2012
- Nikoletta Karasmani
Analysis of Rough Surfaces with Network Theory,
MSc Thesis held at IMEL/NCSR Demokritos (Supervisor: V. Constantoudis), Defended at
National Technical University of Athens, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2012
- Maria-Isidora Georgaki
Realization of photonic polymeric multilayers as humidity sensors,
MSc Thesis held at IMEL/NCSR Demokritos (Supervisor: I. Raptis)
Defended at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Dept. of Chemistry
- S. Katsaridis
Vibrational energy harvester for Wireless Sensor Networks,
Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, Univ. of Athens, April 2012
- G. Voulazeris
Modeling and Fabrication of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Collecting the Ambient Mechanical
Energy From Environmental Vibrations,
Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, Univ. of Athens, October 2012
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