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Androula NASSIOPOULOU has been Director of the Institute of Microelectronics at NCSR Demokritos from August 1997 to end of July 2009. She received the B.Sc. degree in
Physics from the University of Athens in 1975
and the M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees from the University
of Paris XI (ORSAY) in 1977 and 1980 respectively.
She also received the title of “Docteur d’Etat”
from the University of Reims, France in 1985.
She is with IMEL at NCSR Demokritos since 1986
and Director of IMEL and member of the Board
of Management of NCSR Demokritos since 1997.
She has been member of the Greek National Research
Council, an advisory board to the Ministry in
the years 2001-2003, member of the Expert Advisory
Group of NMP-FP6 in 2003-2005 and Vice President
of NCSR Demokritos in 2001-2003. She was the
founder and currently the chairperson of the
Greek national scientific society “Micro & Nano”.
Her current research interests are in the field
of semiconductor nanostructures for nanoelectronics
and photonics, silicon sensors and MEMs and
on-chip RF integration of passive components
on Si. She is author or co-author of over 200
publications in international journals, reviews,
books and conference proceedings, has been granted
5 patents, edited 9 conference proceedings volumes
and supervised 10 PhD theses. She co-ordinated/
has been/is being involved in a large number
of national and EU projects. She chaired or
co-chaired several national and international
conferences and symposia. As Director of IMEL
she contributed to the establishment of IMEL
in the National, European and International
scene. Under her direction IMEL became the National
Centre of Excellence for Nanotechnology, Nanoelectronics
and MEMs, founding member of the European Institute
of Nanoelectronics-SINANO, member of ENIAC and
the Beyond Moore Initiative within ENIAC, founding
member of the National Scientific Society Micro&Nano,
founding associate member of the Hellenic Semiconductor
Industry Association, established a European
Laboratory for Si processing and electrical/optical
characterization of materials and devices and
a National Nanotechnology and MEMs laboratory,
member of Hellas labs. |
Androula Nassiopoulou
Dr Androula Nassiopoulou
Director of Research , IMEL/NCSR Demokritos
Head of the Nanostructures for Nanoelectronics, Photonics and Sensors Research group
Terma Patriarchou Grigoriou, Aghia Paraskevi
153 10 Athens, Greece
Email: A.Nassiopoulou@imel.demokritos.gr
Tel. 30 210 65 42 783, 65 33 781,
FAX. 30 210 65 11 723