for life sciences
Microfabrication technology, i.e. the engineering
of micron- and sub-micron-sized features on the surface of various
materials, has recently expanded from microelectronics and micro-mechanics
into new areas like biology, medicine and healthcare. These emerging
applications require, among others, the development of novel fabrication
routes for micro and nanostructures on a variety of materials ranging
from the traditional silicon and glass to more commercially interesting
materials such as polymers/plastics. In this field, current activities
of our group focus mainly on three areas:
- The fabrication of microfluidics on plastic
substrates using plasma technology (N.Vourdas et al. ISPC 2005,
M.E. Vlachopoulou et. al. MNE 2006, Misiakos et. al. SPIE 2006)
We fabricate microfluidic devices on PMMA and
PDMS substrates by fast plasma etching. The influence of the plasma
on the topography and chemistry of surfaces and their effect on
the function of the device is also investigated. Bonding techniques
are developed to complement the fabrication technology of plastic
Alternatively, plastic microfluidic devices on PDMS are fabricated
by means of soft lithography to complement the performance of sensors
(gas sensors, biosensors).
Watch the Electrokinetics
in plasma etched PMMA microfluidics video.
- Novel actuation mechanisms for Microfluidics (P. Bayiati et. al.,
JAP 101, 103306 (2007) and ME 84, 1677 (2007))
Liquid transport in microfluidics is investigated
by means of methods, such as electrowetting, not requiring the use
of moving parts. Electrowetting in particular is being studied as
a potential route for bio-fluid transport on digital microfluidics.

- Protein micro-arrays (P. Bayiati et. al. μ-TAS 2007, A. Tserepi
et. al. Patent Appl. No 20070100394/20.6.2007)
High density micro-arrays are fabricated by means
of hydrophilic /hydrophobic patterning and chemical modification
of surfaces in plasmas. The proposed fabrication route is fast and
easy, while the obtained micro-arrays are also characterised by
high signal to noise ratio.
