Plasma process simulation
• Motivation: One of the greatest
challenges in nanotechnology is to find reliable and efficient tools
for patterning surfaces on nanometer scale. Plasma etching / processing
has been for years one of the basic tools for patterning on micrometer
scale. Can it be extended on nanoscale and resolve the above challenge
in nanotechnology? Can a plasma reactor be a reliable and efficient
tool for nanopatterning in a deterministic or even stochastic way?
• Aim: The development of a total
multiscale simulator of the processes in a plasma reactor linking
the final surface morphology on nanometer scale (roughness, nanotexture
or regular patterns) to the input parameters (pressure, power, bias
voltage, etc.) which are tuned by pressing the appropriate “buttons”
on reactor. Such a simulator could also give hints for plasma process
This aim can be achieved by dividing the whole
process in a plasma reactor in modules and developing simulation
tools for each module.
Figure 0: A schematic of the whole process in a plasma
reactor and the division in the three modules and their submodules.

1. Zero (or higher) dimensional
plasma module simulating the reactions and kinetics in plasma gas
2. Surface kinetics and profile evolution model simulating
the transport of the plasma species inside surface topography, their
reactions with the treated surface and the evolution of the topography
during plasma treatment.
3. Nano-scale roughness formation module simulating
the formation of nanoscale texture on surfaces during plasma treatment.
Zero dimensional plasma module
Kinetics for three feed gas species have been developed
thus far (O2, SF6, C4F8)
Figure 1: The window opened during
the run of the zero dimensional plasma module. It contains a diagram
of the reactor, the input parameters and the results of the simulation.
2. Surface Kinetics
and profile evolution module: Applications of the level set framework
coupled with Langmuir-type surface models.
Figure 2a: RIE lag in SiO2
holes etched by fluorocarbon plasma. (Journal of Applied Physics
88 (10), pp. 5570-5584, 2000, Journal of Applied Physics
91 (4), pp. 2697-2707, 2002).

Figure 2b: Simulated and experimental
Si trench after etching by the BOSCH process. (to be submitted in

Figure 2c: Wet etching of an initially
fractal rough surface. Pushing the continuum approach to the nanoscale
(Dynamics Days 2006, to be submitted in 2008).

3. Module
for nanoscale roughness formation: Simulation of nanoroughness formation
during etching of homogeneous or nanocomposite materials using kinetic
Monte Carlo techniques.
Figure 3a: A schematic diagram
of the stochastic plasma simulator: 2-D cellular representation
of the etched topography and the impinging particles (ions, neutral
etchants and etch inhibitors) in the MC simulator for surface etching.

Figure 3b: Application to the etching of homogeneous
(Si) films : 2-D snapshots of a Si surface etched by SF6 plasma
including the deposition of etch inhibitors (ISNM2005, AVS 2006,
2007, PESM 2007, Phys. Rev. B 2007)

Figure 3c: Application to the etching of nanocomposite
materials : 2-D snapshots of the surface morphology of two nanocomposite
films with different concentrations of etch resistant filler (10%
for the film in the left column of snapshots and 1% for the film
in the right column). (Dynamics Days 2006, IEEE, Transactions on
Plasma Science 35, p.1359 (2007)).
